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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Triya Gudipati

Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief

Pronouns: she/her

Grade: 12

Years on staff: 4

Who is your favorite musician? Taylor Swift.

What gets you up in the morning? Knowing that something I do today has the potential to not only shape my future, but also make an impact on the world around us.

What's an unpopular opinion that you have? Stanleys aren't all that.

All content by Triya Gudipati
Whether it’s in class, at home or online, students are exposed to politics wherever they go. The ability to speak out on topics has been discouraged for years which has led to ramifications on individuals, communities and the workings of democracy throughout the government. “We should be able to talk about our views, we should be having conversations that can move society forward. Walking on eggshells is making us complacent, and it’s becoming a big problem,” senior Jamie Tiemeier said.

Let’s talk politics

Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
October 11, 2024
From the very first Homecoming in 1941 up to today, over 75 years later, earning the title of Homecoming royalty has been a popular dream for nearly every high school student participating in the festivities. At Parkway West, 10 students were nominated for this honor, with the four seniors serving as the finalists for the sought-after title of Homecoming Queen. "It's so much fun to be able to dress up, get cute photos with your friends and just be able to feel the love from the West Community," senior Gabbie Catlett said.

Meet the court

Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
September 28, 2024

[Photo] Meet the teachers

September 17, 2024
Though the 13 year anticipation of graduation has finally culminated to its climax, the conflicted emotional baggage that comes along with it hasn’t settled down just yet. With one final summer left with the class of 2024, reminiscing in the good times, while making memories and preparing for the future, the tracks associated with the season are bound to become, in the words of singer-songwriter Dua Lipa, “Future Nostalgia.” So blast that song, scream that tune and anything else that’ll solidify the moments and memories made with the graduated seniors.

You’re gonna go far

Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
May 20, 2024
Smiling with Parkway North seniors Sarah Ham and Alison Lam (second and third from right), eight West state qualifiers hold up the iconic DECA symbol. The program has connected over 7,000 high schoolers, giving students the opportunity to network and expand their social circle. “Getting along with people that might be different from you is the most important part of DECA. You learn things about people that you originally wouldn't talk to, and it's nice to know how to work with other people [as well as] make new friends in a different area,” junior Laya Krishnakumar said. Courtesy of Laya Krishnakumar

Entrepreneurial endeavors

Triya Gudipati, News Editor
April 8, 2024
Each year, senior boys compete in Mr. Longhorn, a talent show and pageant designed to raise money for charity. “It’s going to be a blast, it’s going to be a great time,” Haun said. “I think it's going to be exciting. I'm not too scared, as long as I don't mess up, it'll be great.”

The show must go on

Triya Gudipati, News Editor
November 16, 2023
Accepting the golden football from principal Mr. John McCabe, senior Lacy Roberts becomes the Homecoming Queen at the Pep Assembly on Oct. 6. Roberts continued the tradition by being crowned and then smiled and waved to the crowd. "You're only a Longhorn once, [so] enjoy it," Roberts said.

Coronating the Court

Triya Gudipati, News Section Editor
October 6, 2023
Performing at the Spring Pep Assembly, junior and co-captain of the Parkway South-West Winter Guard Cora Tiemeier takes center stage alongside fellow members on the rifle line. With this season being her sixth, Tiemeier played the lead in their routine, “Pity Party.” “I will remember this team; they have my whole heart. I love each one of them and the connections we made so dearly. It's really sad when the season ends because you don't see your teammates every day at school,” Tiemeier said.

Spin it

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
April 12, 2023
“[The happiest moment of my life] was the first time I went to Six Flags with my cousin, Riley. We went on almost every ride that wasn't going upside down, and [what made] it memorable was that I was with my cousin, who's the exact same age as me, and it was something we did together. We were eight, and our [favorite ride] was the Screaming Eagle. I've gone with her other times, but it's special because it was the first time we ever went there.” - Alex Dodd, 11

Alex Dodd

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
February 8, 2023
“Every year, my family makes this special food for Christmas, because it's related to my [South-Indian] culture. It's called Piti, which is dough made with rice flour that's rolled into balls and then cooked in water. It forms a soup that you eat with a meat curry. My dad mainly [makes] the food, but everyone in my family is involved in the process of rolling the dough. I'm Orthodox Christian, and Christmas and Easter are the two main holidays, [so we] usually make it twice a year after church. We observe Lent during both holidays, so we avoid meat and fast for the days leading up to Christmas and Easter.” - Angela Raju, 11

Angela Raju

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
February 7, 2023
“[The best thing to happen to me this year] was meeting my cool friends. I've met them at the cafeteria, Keys and theater. [I've been] able to hang out with them a couple of times outside of school, and it was chill. They make me feel good about myself, and they got me into "Dungeons & Dragons." I'm closer with them [rather than] the people I was friends with last year. They've made my classes so much better, and it's therapeutic having them there.” - Lu Schuetz, 10

Lu Schuetz

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
February 6, 2023
“[The happiest moment of my life was] last year when I asked my crush to Homecoming. I asked her on the bus, she said yes, and I got really happy about it. We've been together well over a year now, but I liked her for a year before even asking her out. [Before] the dance, we went out and had a nice little dinner together, and at the dance we talked, hung out and danced - it was a great night. Looking back, it's a blur, but I remember it as a really happy night. We went to Homecoming [again] this year, and I'm planning on asking her to prom too.” - Cameron Licata, 11

Cameron Licata

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
January 27, 2023
“One of the happiest things I can remember lately is when [I was] at a volleyball tournament. After playing three games, we had busted our butts working to win the point and it was tied at 27. We ended up winning 28-27 and it came down to that last point. Everyone was so happy and really excited in the moment [that] we were able to win the game. I'm a middle hitter for Parkway Lightning Volleyball Club, and I've [been playing] for five years. [My favorite thing about] volleyball is the people I'm surrounding myself with, because these people are very uplifting and they push me to be a better version of myself, not only [as] a player but as a human being.” - Gabriella Black, 10

Gabriella Black

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
January 26, 2023
“[My happiest moment] was in the World Cup final, when Argentina won. I wanted a lot of teams to win at first, like the US, the Netherlands, England and then Argentina. I just got into soccer, but I'm [close with] my [older] brother, and some of his friends are from the Netherlands and others are from England, [so I rooted] for those teams, but by the end, I just wanted Messi to win. I [just started] playing soccer, but I play golf too. My grandpa got me into it, and I like playing with my brother because he's not very good. I'm hoping to make the JV team this spring for it.” - Maddox Miller, 11

Maddox Miller

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
January 25, 2023
“The happiest moment of my life was when I realized that my family was accepting who I am. [I am] a transgender woman, and [in that moment,] I felt like I had this fear taken away. [It was] about two years ago, and I remember realizing that my parents were doing everything they could, and while they weren't perfect, I finally realized how much effort they were putting in. It's made my home life a lot better, there have been fewer arguments with my family, and I just feel very liberated. My mom [was the most] accepting when I came out. I was worried before because I didn't know how accepting she would be, but she's made appointments to talk to people so I could get help to further who I was and am. On the other hand, my [older] brother sometimes struggles with it because he has a hard time seeing things from my perspective, as he's had a very different life. In general, I think that community support, whether family, friends or teachers, is the best thing anyone can do to help anyone” - Ash Herring, 10

Ash Herring

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
January 24, 2023
“[My favorite vacation] is a camp held by BYU called Aspen Grove in Utah. It's held in the mountains, and I love being up there. I didn't appreciate it before Covid [hit]. My family goes every June, but the most recent time was my favorite because my whole family on my dad's side was there, and they live all over the country, so it was nice to see them all in one place. [The best] moment was when we decided to stay up until 11 p.m. doing karaoke. We got shut down by the [counselors] because we were being too loud and it was too late at night, but we got to sing a lot of different, funny songs like 'Stacy's Mom,' which was hilarious.” - Rachel Brazier, 10

Rachel Brazier

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
January 23, 2023
After hearing that the King of Hearts dance got canceled, Student Body President senior Esha Francis immediately turned her car around and returned to school in search of a solution. After staying in constant communication with the rest of the LoCo Executive Board, Francis met with Principal John McCabe to reinstate the dance. “This year, McCabe and our student council have been more in touch than in previous years. I feel like there's a greater trust there. He told us that he knows that we can do it and that we're capable. We've put things together last minute for our school before, and he knew that we could do it. McCabe and I have a good professional relationship, we have a better connection, and we're on the same page about a lot of things, so I don't always have to go to the local sponsors to get things done. It's great that I have a direct connection to him - we can get things done within a day,” Francis said.

Save the last dance

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
January 20, 2023
“[For me, the happiest times are] when I celebrate holidays with my family. [My favorite is] Christmas, mostly because I got a lot of presents. I remember [my sister and I] used to write letters to Santa, and he would always write back to us. One year, I was very excited to get a bell from Rudolph's sleigh, but [the best present I've ever received] is a drone that my dad got me. I haven't been able to use it because I can't fly it without my dad, and he just never goes out to fly it. Hopefully [we can fly it] this year. On the other end, the best [present I have given was when] I poured a bunch of peanuts into a really big ornament and gave it to my mom [who was] really into peanuts then. This year, I'm very excited to see my siblings again. I have five, and most of them are away at college, so it's gotten more lonely,” - Declan Ryan, 10

Declan Ryan

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
January 17, 2023
“[The happiest moment of my life was when] when I did my first dance solo for the first time, it was contemporary and to the French song, "Je te laisserai des mots" [by Patrick Watson]. I performed it last season, so March through May, and got 11th overall in one competition for it. [I also] got platinum and high gold at other competitions. I've been competing for six years, but dancing for 13 years. Dance is like therapy to me, I get to express myself, especially with styles like contemporary and hip hop,” - Sam Johnson, 10

Sam Johnson

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
January 16, 2023
"[The happiest moment of my life was] when I got my braces off, because I felt free; [I had them] for six years, and finally got them off in seventh grade. I didn't enjoy them, because my teeth hurt all the time and I would not want to bite down on anything unless it was soft. People say to be excited about braces, don't [be]. But I [feel] a lot more secure about my smile now, [because I think] I look better," - Sophia Metroulas, 10

Sophia Metroulas

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
January 4, 2023
“[I was happiest during] this time in choir class in sixth grade. We were doing a show-and-tell on projects of our choice and I did mine on programming. It was a basic math program where it would simplify certain complex numbers like square roots. I found it really interesting that I could create and develop stuff without an existing engine, [and] it was a big accomplishment because it was the first program I've ever made. I felt like I had done something without anybody's help and therefore I had done something by myself in the world. I shared it with my class, it was not a very complex thing, so they weren't enthusiastic but they were definitely interested. It was a good moment for me. [I have been programming] for five years since then, and I like it more now than I did then. [Now,] I usually recreate old games like "Pong," "Asteroids" and other small things like that,” - Tyler Michajliczenko, 10

Tyler Michajliczenko

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
December 21, 2022
"[My happiest memory was] when I got accepted into the Sheldon choir. I've been singing my whole life, and [one day] I ran into one of the directors, they saw me, and asked [me] to come to one of their practices. I was so happy I screamed, and my mom was really happy [as well]. I don't sing with them anymore, I wanted to play basketball instead — but it was such a happy moment," - Kanya Livingston, 9

Kanya Livingston

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
December 19, 2022
Freshman Poppi Wright, 5 years old, smiles for a picture with her dance teacher, Angie Klevorn, following a dress rehearsal for their annual recital. Now a freshman, Wright has performed with Klevorn for about 10 years. “My [dance] teacher has known me since I was five, so she grew up with me, and she saw how I've matured in all aspects of my life,” Wright said.

Poppi Wright

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
April 7, 2022
Math teacher Patrick Mooney dances with his math teacher, Susan Guengerich, during his middle school years. Mooney’s teaching has been influenced by Guengeri, through his traditions and style of teaching. “She had a way of creating traditions and being present in the moments of our education. Her way she presented things and how she introduced them to us was nice,” Mooney said.

Patrick Mooney

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
April 7, 2022
Freshman Jack Brau poses for a picture at the pool with his mom, while on vacation in Cancun, Mexico. Brau has learned a lot from his mom, from information on medicine to pacing himself in school. “[She’s taught me to] not let things get to me too much. Like if I get a B, it's okay because I know there's going to be thousands more tests, there's always another chance for me to do better,” Brau said.

Jack Brau

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
April 7, 2022
Digital Design teacher Katy Mangrich reviews photos from an assignment with junior Addie Gleason during her plan period. Mangrich took inspiration from her college professor, Cherie Fister, and aspired to leave an impact on her students, as Fister did on her. “I admired her creativity and the type of person she was; she inspired me to be more like her. I have taken that into my teaching, which is one of the reasons that I push [my students] as much as I do in my classes,” Mangrich said.

Katy Mangrich

Triya Gudipati, Staff Writer
April 7, 2022
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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High
Triya Gudipati