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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


“Sports [can] teach you a lot of things, and playing on the team can teach you leadership. When you're working with a bunch of guys, you’ve got to know what's best for the team, and you've got to do whatever is best for the team. Commitment is a big part of sports. Some days, you don't want to show up to practice, [but] you have to do it because it's what's best for the team. You just [have] to be committed. You [gain] better relationships and you make a lot of friends when you play sports. You're spending at least two hours a day with those people, so you build really strong relationships with your teammates. If you put in the work, you're bound to get better.” - Henry Wild, 12

Henry Wild

Max Chung, CJ1 Writer 4 days ago

“I moved here halfway through my freshman year. [Many] things were a culture shock, and I'm still learning. It wasn't hard to get accustomed to, [just new]. There are some parts of my Indian culture that I like to [emphasize]. My best friend is also Indian, she's Hindu, and we both celebrate our holidays together. We have that sort of bonding, but we also celebrate Christmas and dress very Western. There are times, like during Eid, I want to dress a bit more traditional. My grandmother fell sick at the start of [quarantine]. I could only see her once before she passed away. When I got to see her, she was fine. Then, she started having pain when she was walking. I thought it was just because of [her] getting old. I didn't realize that she was going to be gone so fast. I didn't spend enough time with her. I [knew she was] getting sick, but I couldn't see her. It felt like there was nothing I could do in the moment. [A piece of advice I would give to others is] don't be so hard on yourself. Think about the moments you did have with them, rather than the time you didn't spend with them. That's what helped me get through it.” - Samaira Siddiqui, 12

Samaira Siddiqui

Darine Elgendy, CJ1 Writer 5 days ago

“At one point, I would love to have people look up to me and [allow myself to] be really good at sports. One day [I’d like to] be as good as [my brother, senior] Lukas Peterson. A couple days ago, I had a football game and [freshman quarter-back] Tanner Hickert threw me a pass and I caught it at the 30 yard line and ran. [I] almost ran it in the end zone, but I stopped because I heard someone behind me. I really regret that because I could have scored, and if we [had] scored, we would have been only down by three. We still lost in the end, but I feel like if we scored, our [enthusiasm] would [have been] up more. I love football and winning is just a good feeling. Obviously, you don't want to lose, and I'm competitive, [but] football is just a great sport. Hopefully [in the future], I'll pursue it and play in college.” - Jack Peterson, 9

Jack Peterson

Tomas Gumpel, CJ1 Writer 6 days ago

“In eighth grade, I took a video production class in which I learned the basics of video recording and photography. I just find it fascinating how, depending on how you look at things, or in a wide-angle position, it will look different to you. I also get inspired from seeing how great things look when you look at them from [different] perspectives. I couldn't help myself from just trying to find angles to make [where] if I were to take a picture, it would look really good. I think that's also how it started. The city can look pretty great if you take a look at it from an artistic view when taking pictures. If you find just the right angle in the city, you can make it look like it's a completely different place.” - Angel Olvera Galan, 9

Angel Olvera Galan

Charles Brady, CJ1 Writer October 10, 2024

“[My favorite thing about freshman year has been] making friends with the seniors on the swim team. Being around my teammates has made me really excited [about future years on] the team. [One] challenge so far has been the meets because of how fast the competition is compared to club. My friends and teammates help me the most. They pushed me in practice to help me [improve]. [My teammates] like to chant my name or say, ‘This is where your hard pays off, dont let it be for nothing,’ or ‘Don't chase them, let them chase you,’ which helps me. Swimming has shaped me to be [who] I am today, and [pushed me to] work hard and develop my mind. The best part of swimming is [seeing my] improvement and knowing I will get better through my hard work.” - Mason Moellering, 9

Mason Moellering

Ava Kerber, CJ1 Writer October 9, 2024

“Growing up with foreign parents was challenging, especially in the softball world. They had no idea how softball and recruiting worked, making [the process] difficult. Over time, I've become accustomed to it and [have] developed [my] softball IQ and [knowledge on] how America works. Softball has continued to impact my life today by teaching me how to work as a team and giving me motivation, daily exercise and some great memories. I started playing softball when I was 12 years old and played on a Little League team that went to Little League regionals in Texas. After that, I fell in love with softball and started playing at a higher level. My teammates continue to motivate me to play softball at my very best.” Lily Bell, 12

Lily Bell

Noor Hacking, Staff Writer October 3, 2024

“I started [cheering] 10 years [ago and] I would do camps as a kid. I really like cheering at ‘Friday night lights’ [football games] and getting the student section hyped up. Tryouts were really stressful because my sports overlapped each other so I spent a lot of time at home practicing. Learning the material took four days, and then [the] actual tryouts were only maybe an hour [long. My favorite memory] from the season so far is my first Friday night lights game.  [Cheer has taught me] that hard work pays off and I'd [tell someone who’s considering trying out] that it's really fun if you put in the work. You need to believe that you can do good and if you put in the work, then [the results] will turn out better than you expect.”- Emily Jordan, 10

Emily Jordan

Payton Dean, Staff Writer September 25, 2024

“What made me really want to start playing [volleyball] was my sister. She loved it. She played it in high school, and just admired that; [when I] started playing I fell in love with it. I love the players, the coaches, and every experience. My first year experience was awesome. During the high school games, we always go in the locker room, run through the halls and [do] a [chant]. [After that] we all cheer, warm up and do dynamics together. A memorable moment [of mine] was [when I] committed to [the] University of Memphis. [It] was really exciting, because I felt relieved, and I felt like I found a place that I am hoping for; it felt right. In high pressure situations, I go back to the basics of what I know and focus on [practicing.]  I [also] really focus on helping my teammates [by] encouraging them.  Younger players [should] always take advantage of every moment, and every rep that you get. Know that you are a person and [your sport] doesn't define you. It's just something you enjoy playing. Don't let it overpower who you are. Just always stay true to [yourself].” - Maddy Bach, 12

Maddy Bach

Lydia Woodall, Staff Writer September 20, 2024

“My family always [put] it in my ear that I really should be a teacher. Two of my sisters are teachers, and I’ve always [enjoyed] explaining [a range of topics]. A place I was working [at] in the health field shut down, and my mom was like, ‘it’s a sign [that] you need to go back to school to get your master’s in education,’ and so I applied at Maryville. I’m proud of my mom. She’s sort of a scrappy person, who is also a good mother and managed to raise us girls while being pretty politically active. My personal value of hard work [is something that matters most to me]. I’m a hard worker [and] I value that in other people. It’s important to me to give it your all, do your best, prepare, and work. I think my students expect to be perfect all the time, but [in reality,] you’re at school to practice and to get better, not to be an expert [from square one]. I feel like [students] sometimes value results rather than respecting themselves for their work. Work hard and be satisfied.” - Sally Steininger, Science

Sally Steininger, Science

Sage Kelly, Staff Writer September 17, 2024

“This school year, I'm looking forward to really settling into West, because last year I was a freshman getting used to the environment, and now that I [am aware of] my surroundings, I know the opportunities that West provides me. I feel like getting more involved than I was last year and it's going to be [a] fun [experience] for me. [This year I am going to] join the diplomacy club and the spanish club. I'm excited to meet new people, try new things and see what those clubs are about. I [might] join volleyball again, because I had a lot of fun doing [it] last year. I'm also on the robotics team at West and I'm super excited, because last year I didn't have any past experience in robotics, but now I know the lay of the land and what I'm doing. [This year] I think my personal growth is my [biggest] motivator. I've always wanted to be a better person and just continue growing [in] this journey of self improvement and [through] joining these clubs.  Discovering myself in high school really [helped to] push me, and that has been my motivator for a long time. I love the community here, [and] I love all the opportunities that the school has given me.”- Adam Thomas, 10

Adam Thomas

Anna Wunsch, Staff Writer September 13, 2024

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