Get Ready to Wrestle
Sabrina Urdaneta, Staff Writer
• January 25, 2023
![Before beginning their college football journey, alumni Ja’Marion Wayne and Tre Bell smile after one of their final rides together. The athletes kept in contact and encouraged and inspired each other along their new paths. “I miss everything about high school football. I wish I had another year to play with [alumni] Ja’marion Wayne, Seth Young, Tyree Simms and [senior] Phillip Jordan and [junior] Trent Livingston. I miss all of my guys and playing in front of a student section where you know every kid. It isn’t something you get in college,” Bell said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/uno-e1668799318454.jpeg)
We know you miss them!
Makinsey Drake, Staff Writer
• November 22, 2022
![Holding her nose, senior Kennedy Whitaker peeks out of a porta-potty. Porta-potties were created to save time as temporary toilets — perfect for cross country meets. “They are very [beneficial] for my running because they allow me to feel good and not have to go to the bathroom when I run,” Whitaker said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/IMG_3943-900x633.jpeg)
A cross country porta-potty perspective
Cindy Phung, Editor-in-Chief
• November 10, 2022
![Supporting his team, senior and cornerback Cameron Jehling (40, second from the left) keeps his eye on a kickoff play. Jehling felt more confident about his plays compared to his performance the previous year. “Most people think that to be a good football player, you have to go to the gym, but there’s a famous quote I use for both football and baseball that shows [otherwise]. My coach first told me, ‘a sport is 90% mental, 10% physical.’ I tried this year to be better about the mental aspect of the game instead of the physical,” Jehling said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/DSC_0183-900x600.jpg)
Season wrap-up
Madi Michajliczenko, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• October 21, 2022
![Clutching the ball on a quarterback run, junior Joseph Federer hustles on the field, attempting to score a touchdown. As a child, Federer grew up watching football. “An NFL player who inspires me is [quarterback] Kyler Murray. He is a very accurate quarterback and can also make tremendous plays with his feet,” Federer said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/DSC_0358-1-900x600.jpg)
Drive to play
Lia Emry, Staff Writer
• September 27, 2022
![Knees bent, freshman James Callahan lifts the ball for a fast pass during the 2021 Young Men’s National Championship in Virginia Beach. Despite his high skill level, it is difficult for Callahan to find opportunities to play with other boys. “I can’t play in any tournaments in St. Louis. To get practice with other boys, I’d have to fly out to California or Pennsylvania. You have to spend $400 to pay for the practice, and you pay for a plane ticket. We don’t even know if they’re giving us rooms, [or if] we also have to get the hotel and transportation,” Callahan said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/unnamed-22.jpg)
Sticking with it
Serena Liu, Editor-in-Chief
• September 26, 2022
![Checking in with the Parkway West Superfan, Activities Director Jeff Taggart talks with kids during lunch. Taggart looked forward to building connections with students and becoming a part of the school community. "[I just want] to be involved, in the cafeteria, at lunchtime, at different sporting events or activities."](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/DSC_5077-900x600.jpg)
‘Longhorn Country, Let’s Ride!’
Elle Rotter, Deputy Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• September 20, 2022
![Right foot in and arms wrapping around her teammates, freshman Hayden Oakley mentally prepares to race. Oakley ran in the freshman race in the Stan Nelson Invitational at the Northwest Early Childhood Center, Sept. 10. “Before [the race,] I was a little nervous because it was only the second [meet,] it was bigger, and there were a lot of people there. When we went into the huddle, that helped motivate and calm me down. [Also,] it was nice because it just made me feel more confident about the race,” Oakley said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Hayden-Oakley-900x600.jpg)
Photo Gallery: The essence of girls cross country
Cindy Phung, Editor-in-Chief
• September 20, 2022

Senior Micah Harris’ journey to Louisiana State University
Samari Sanders, Staff Writer
• May 27, 2022

Albert Pujols and the Cardinals work to meet the expectations set for them
Drew Boone, Staff Writer
• May 5, 2022