![Junior Will Gonsior lies down on a pile of money, an opportunity gained by allowing the Pathfinder to use his name, image and likeness. Accusations of corruption and misconduct have revealed just how easily the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) lets money pile up where it doesn’t belong. “[The NCAA] is a business, so they're trying to win games. No matter the sport, they're trying to be the most successful that they can,” varsity football coach and physical education teacher Jeff Duncan said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Foul-Play-Amateurism-or-a-collegiate-cartel-1-1200x900.png)
Foul play: Amateurism or a collegiate cartel?
Will Gonsior and Ruthvi Tadakamalla
• January 8, 2024

End of an era
Will Gonsior, Opinions/A&E Editor
• December 5, 2023
![Female tennis players thrive regardless of their limitations. While there are many issues within the sport — unequal pay, no maternal care for athlete-mothers, unequal opportunities for different races and more — many activists have been advocating for change within the industry. “I hope there are a lot more milestones set along the way and a lot more improvements in [tennis],” freshman and JV tennis player Sara Ashok said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Screenshot-2023-10-24-at-12.37.04-PM.png)
Game, set, equality
Ruthvi Tadakamalla, Sports/Newsletter Editor
• October 27, 2023

Eyes on the prize
Lia Emry, Staff Writer
• October 10, 2023

The net ninja
Ruthvi Tadakamalla, Sports/Newsletter Editor
• May 8, 2023
![Reaching new heights, Watts sprints the 300 meter hurdles at the 2023 Northwest Invitational track meet. With her best time at 48.27 seconds, Watts qualified for the 2022 MSHSAA Track and Field State Championships and placed 11th as a junior. “My greatest accomplishment is competing at [the state championships]. I remember breaking two personal records at Conference and medaling in all of my events and feeling on top of the world. I knew at that moment that I had a chance to go to state. My favorite track memory is running the 300 hurdles at sectionals and getting fourth, barely making it to state. I remember finishing the race and running toward my hurdles coach [Kat] Briggs and yelling ‘Did I make it? Did I make it?’ She gave me the biggest smile and hug and said I made it to state,” Watts said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/cece-1.jpeg)
Senior Cece Watts named St. Louis Post Dispatch Scholar Athlete
Makinsey Drake, Staff Writer
• April 27, 2023

Setting the bar high
Cindy Phung and Audrey Ghosh
• April 19, 2023
![Juniors Tristen Banks, Kimora Jones, Nylah Thompson and Chris Williams smile with the trophy after winning the national Stage Breakers competition on April 15. Five teams competed for the championship. “Things that we [had] were [competitiveness], eagerness and determination, because the other teams who were here did good. To be able to beat other step teams, you need to [be the best in] precision, rhythm, and know how to put first things first,” Banks said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/stepteamwinapril15dallas.jpeg)
A step to glory: Parkway step team wins national title
Elizabeth Franklin and Samari Sanders
• April 17, 2023

Spin it
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• April 12, 2023
![Knees bent, freshman James Callahan lifts the ball for a fast pass during the 2021 Young Men’s National Championship in Virginia Beach. Despite his high skill level, it is difficult for Callahan to find opportunities to play with other boys. “I can’t play in any tournaments in St. Louis. To get practice with other boys, I’d have to fly out to California or Pennsylvania. You have to spend $400 to pay for the practice, and you pay for a plane ticket. We don’t even know if they’re giving us rooms, [or if] we also have to get the hotel and transportation,” Callahan said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/unnamed-22.jpg)
New boys field hockey league comes to Parkway
Risa Cidoni, Editor-in-Chief
• April 4, 2023