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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The senior boys dress in suits and jerseys to cheer on the Powder Puff competitors. Senior Derrien Gatchel initiated the suit trend last Powder Puff season. “The thought process was [to pretend we were dressing for] a business trip. Since we won last year, we had to do it again this year,” Gatchel said.

Halfway There!

Makinsey Drake, Multimedia Editor January 19, 2023

Tracing the players’ movements on the team, junior Grace Eschbach controls the camera that is streaming live video on LSPN YouTube channel. The livestream was utilized by those who could not watch in-person games due to the CDC spectator requirements. “My favorite part of LSPN is getting to do something that makes the viewers and athletes happy. We get to allow families and friends of the players to watch something that, at this point in time, they otherwise wouldn't be able to,” Eschbach said. “Even something simple like someone thanking me for filming them or their team is very rewarding.”

A glimpse into clubs during COVID-19

Elle Rotter, Awards Coordinator March 11, 2021

Students participating in after-school activities have unique options of mask-wearing or attending Zoom meetings. Although the past year has caused major changes to how school systems and student life...

Using Procreate 5X, senior Rebecca Vierck demonstrates how attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and social anxiety can make someone feel like being watched. Vierck’s piece conveyed the alienation felt from their peers. “A lot of media representation about ADHD is built upon stereotypes. Because of the comorbidity of my ADHD and social anxiety, I tend to feel anxious to stim in front of people in fears of seeming weird,” Vierck said. “I've had to cut off friends because of their disrespect for my sensory triggers. As a child, I would have multiple breakdowns a week over the texture of dinners that I was made to eat.”

Students showcase their ‘draw dropping’ artwork

Addie Gleason, Staff Writer November 6, 2020

Through a combination of mediums, students from Katy Mangrich’s AP 2D Art and Design class, Ashley Drissell’s Design Arts class and Kat Briggs’ AP Drawing class made pieces that investigate cultural...

Posing in the trunk of his car, senior Tony Morris and junior Riley Leslie (Fernridge high school) get ready to start the parade. Morris had his entire family come along to show support for him graduating. “I loved the parade. I really enjoyed myself and I think it should be a thing that’s continued. The energy and amount of people that showed up and all of the decorated cars made it really really fun,” Morris said. “But I would really love to walk across the stage wearing my cap and gown, being handed my diploma, and saying goodbye to highschool surrounded by my class, not separated by cars.”

Bidding farewell to the class of 2020: senior parade edition

Sara Albarcha, Staff Writer June 8, 2020
"I was proud I was able to show them how far I’ve come. it was also great to see some friends who I haven’t seen in a while, and I was happy we were able to experience this altogether,” Hassan said.
Wearing a mask helps protect not only you, but also those around you.

No mask? No problem: here is a six step at-home mask tutorial

Sara Albarcha, Staff Writer May 26, 2020

The CDC recommends people wear masks in public spaces to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Now that you have used your time at home to clean out every closet, perhaps you can recycle a Longhorn t-shirt into...

Throwing her horns up, senior Maddie Hoffman has a “Zoom prom” with her friends. Hoffman and her friends dressed up to video chat on Zoom and celebrated prom together by coming up with funny senior superlatives. “My favorite part was getting to spend that time with my sister. It’s the sort of thing we normally would’ve been doing with friends, and we got to do it together. I think celebrating prom in a different way was just what everyone needed at a time like this,” Hoffman said.

Prom on the Porch

Quinn Berry, Staff Writer May 4, 2020

Senior and theatre department officer Dennis McMorrow acts in last fall’s production of “Boeing Boeing.” This spring’s one-act plays were canceled due to school closures. “I think most of the people involved in the show, including the directors, were pretty sure that the show wasn’t going to be put on once they called off classes. They had been planning their one-acts for months now, and now they don’t have the chance to see their hard work pay off,” McMorrow said. “[The school cancellation] has harmed my senior year, but I would rather everyone close to me stay safe during this time, so while I don’t like that things are being canceled, I understand that it is necessary.”

A senior year cut short: seniors reflect on activities getting canceled

Charlotte Zera, Staff Writer April 23, 2020

Second semester of senior year: the final stretch. We are making our final decisions on which college we want to go to, picking out our prom outfits, getting excited for graduation and everything in between....

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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High