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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Supporting his team, senior and cornerback Cameron Jehling (40, second from the left) keeps his eye on a kickoff play. Jehling felt more confident about his plays compared to his performance the previous year. “Most people think that to be a good football player, you have to go to the gym, but there’s a famous quote I use for both football and baseball that shows [otherwise]. My coach first told me, ‘a sport is 90% mental, 10% physical.’ I tried this year to be better about the mental aspect of the game instead of the physical,” Jehling said.

Season wrap-up

Madi Michajliczenko, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief October 21, 2022

As the season ends and the post-season begins, the Longhorn varsity football team stands at a score of 5-4 in class five district two. Take a look at season photos and player reflections in our season...

Knees bent, freshman James Callahan lifts the ball for a fast pass during the 2021 Young Men’s National Championship in Virginia Beach. Despite his high skill level, it is difficult for Callahan to find opportunities to play with other boys. “I can’t play in any tournaments in St. Louis. To get practice with other boys, I’d have to fly out to California or Pennsylvania. You have to spend $400 to pay for the practice, and you pay for a plane ticket. We don’t even know if they’re giving us rooms, [or if] we also have to get the hotel and transportation,” Callahan said.

Sticking with it

Serena Liu, Editor-in-Chief September 26, 2022

With a tight grip on his stick, freshman James Callahan skillfully carries his ball down the stadium field. He pulls past defenders, keeping his head up to look for passes and charges towards the goal. Callahan...

Athletes of West: Episode 2

Raj Jaladi, Newsletter Editor/Data Analyst June 1, 2022

Now presenting, Athletes of West, a podcast featuring a unique Longhorn athlete each session.​​ We bring you stories from the players, both on the ground and behind the scenes, covering individual...

Racing to the ball, freshman Molly Bailey and her opponent swim without hesitation. Bailey joined water polo for the first time this year, and although the sport has proven to be difficult, she has persisted. “Water polo is a sport that has pushed me physically. At the start of the season, I asked myself why I was there and why I decided to sign up for it in the first place,” Bailey said. “But as the season progressed, something about the sport kept me wanting to play more and more. I love the people, the competition and the game.”

A new beginning for female water polo

Sabrina Urdaneta, Staff Writer May 5, 2022

From 2018 to 2019, boy's water polo participation has risen by 8.8%, while girl's water polo participation across the country has seen an 18% increase. Team captains Taylor Johnson and Thalea Afentoullis...

Senior Ben Noonan rides his horse Keep Kitty in the Tryon International CCI competition. Noonan and his team finished first and Noonan got his first gold medal for horseback riding. “I would say [I’m best at] cross country [riding] just because I really enjoy the adrenaline of it. You can definitely feel the high speeds and just it's really a fun part of the sport. I placed individually gold and my team placed gold as well. That was really special seeing all your hard work come through,” Noonan said.

Ben Noonan leaps into his future of becoming a future horseback rider

Jordan Scales, Staff Writer January 28, 2022

Senior Ben Noonan is ready to take the next leap into horseback riding and go to Florida after he graduates in January. In Florida, Noonan wants to practice in similar weather conditions similar to his...

Senior Ja’marion Wayne’s football career doesn’t stop in high school

Achyuta Ambal, Staff Writer January 21, 2022

On a hot day in the summer of sophomore year, the Wayne family household’s silence was interrupted with the shrill shriek of the phone. Picking the phone up, senior Ja’marion Wayne’s expression shifted...

Posing for a picture Sunday, Dec. 12, sophomore Samari Sanders and uncle Devon Alexander sport sweatshirts from his merchandise line. Sanders treasures her close relationship with her uncle, drawing inspiration from him in everything she does. “I don’t think I would be the person I am today without him,” Sanders said.

Knocking out addiction

Katie Wallace, Staff Writer December 22, 2021

Sophomore Samari Sanders' feet pound against the track, blood rushes to her head and her heart thumps in her chest. Her legs burn in agony as her body screams at her to stop running, but her mind urges...

Lifting a state record in the deadlift event, sophomore Tommy Eschbach pulls 360 lbs to his hips. Behind him, a competition official ensures that Eschbach’s form is synonymous with powerlifting regulations. “I tried my best and I got results, so I know that if I work hard enough I can compete in a national competition and maybe even get a record,” Eschbach said.

Weightlifting his way to the top

Achyuta Ambal, Staff Writer December 15, 2021

Knees shaking, legs aching and arms straining, sophomore Tommy Eschbach lifts 360 lbs up to his hips into a deadlift. The only thoughts running through his head are telling him to push himself to the max....

After hearing about our winter sports teams let’s wish them the best of luck as this season is getting ready to start. If you want to follow a specific team, the team schedules are below.

Meet our winter warriors

Tre Bell, Staff Writer November 22, 2021

After experiencing a season played in the midst of a pandemic, the winter sports teams are ready to play with some normalcy. Here is what you can expect to see from them this season. Boys Basketball  After...

Students show interest in non-school sponsored sports, finding a way to express themselves outside of school.

Athletes engage in non-traditional after school sports

Emma Iswarienko, Staff Writer November 5, 2021

Soaring over a jump, hitting her forms for the judges, the splash of water in his face  and  landing a trick for the first time - while these students have almost nothing in common, their passion for...