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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Bending down to help build a fire, sophomore and sixth grade camp counselor Anna Newberry coaches her camper, Rachel Ferguson, in using a flint and steel Aug. 28 at Camp Lakewood. Newberry attended Camp Lakewood as a summer camper, sixth grader and now counselor. “This is my first year as a cabin leader, but I'd gone to summer camp five years before that. It was really fun to watch the girls start out as not super close friends because it was the beginning of the school year. They didn’t know each other, but they bonded a lot,” Newberry said.

Building a legacy: Sixth grade camp seeks donations to renovate building and create memories

Kathryn McAuliffe, Managing Editor-in-Chief October 28, 2019

Flowing lakes, miles of trees, pioneer nights, horseback trails and unforgettable memories come to mind when thinking of Parkway’s Outdoor Schools. Known as “sixth-grade camp,” Parkway students have...

Battling for possession, sophomore wingman Matthew Parnas steals the ball from his Hazelwood West opponent. The varsity boys soccer team beat Hazelwood West 5-3 to get their seventh win of the season. “I think the mentality was pretty positive coming off of a couple wins with a season that hasn’t really been what we have hoped for win-wise," Parnas said. "But we found a way to keep our heads together to steal a couple wins."

Photo of the week – Oct. 21

Tre Bell, Staff Writer October 25, 2019

Sandburg High School junior Christian Vouris carries a cross alongside junior Alex Sevastianos during a service. They walked around the outdoor chapel and held the cross while the other campers prayed. “This was morning literacy,” Sevastianos said. “I volunteered to help the priests conduct the service on the last day of camp.”

Fanari Camp moves junior Alex Sevastianos to rethink his position on faith

Zoe DeYoung, Staff Writer September 13, 2019

Junior Alex Sevastianos walks down a dark, forested path with only a candle to light his steps. A line of students and a counselor follow close behind, listening as he chants hymns and recites Bible verses....

Working with a team of volunteers, junior Zoey Womick prepares to weigh and measure a painted turtle. Womick participated in an investigatory trip on painted turtles with other teens from St. Louis, all members of the Zoo ALIVE program. “I learned so much on the trip, but the coolest thing I learned is that the sex of a baby turtle is determined by the temperature at which the eggs are incubated,” Womick said.

Junior Zoey Womick brings life to the St. Louis Zoo through the ALIVE Program

Kathryn McAuliffe, Managing Editor-in-Chief September 10, 2019

Most St. Louis natives go to the St. Louis Zoo once or twice and call it a day. But junior Zoey Womick spent her summers there for the past nine years. After aging out of the youth camps sponsored by the...

Aside from learning rowing techniques and mindset skills, junior Emma Wistuba also spends time bonding with friends during her month-long stay. The girls resided in dorm rooms and spent breaks getting to know one another. “There are always going to be people that you don't get along [with] and ODP helped me overcome that. I knew I wasn't going to [immediately] get along with everybody, so I went out of my way to be nice and do things,” Wistuba said. “One night, the whole floor came into my room, and we started making friendship bracelets. That's what we did, and we just had fun. That's important for my future because I'm going to have to do that around people who I really don't like, and it's important that you can take those people and turn them into people that you can be friends with.”

Olympic Rowing Development Camp trains junior Emma Wistuba for success

Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief September 6, 2019

An email pops in junior Emma Wistuba’s inbox from the US Rowing Olympic Development Camp (ODP). “Congratulations,” it reads, “You’re accepted!” Submitting an application led to Wistuba’s...

Handing a snow cone to a customer, employee and junior Audrey DeYoung fulfills her childhood dream of working at Tropical Sno Manchester, where she makes minimum wage. To reach a teenage demographic, DeYoung and her coworker created the Instagram account @trosnomanchester in hopes of having more teenagers drop by as customers. “What drew me to it was that it’s such a little shack and kind of a unique job to have,” DeYoung said. “Everyone I know goes there pretty often, so I knew I’d be able to see a lot of people from school. It annoys me when my friends are getting snow cones together, and I can’t be with them because I’m working.”

Working on their time off, a summer job profile

Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief August 23, 2019

Post surgery, junior Weston McGuire prepares for practicing patience rather than baseball the next few weeks as he recovers from facial surgery. Doctors went through his eye to place a metal plate to aid in the regrowth of his orbital bone that was shattered when he was struck in the face by a baseball. “It didn’t hurt very much by the time surgery came a week later, I was just very uncomfortable and I just wanted to get it over with. I want to miss out on as little baseball as possible,” McGuire said.

Junior Weston McGuire sets his sights on recovery

Susie Seidel, Convergence Media Editor February 28, 2019

Warming up for a morning baseball practice, junior Weston McGuire tossed a ball back and forth with his teammates. As he looked upward, glove ready to catch the incoming ball, it was suddenly lost in the...

Strumming his guitar and singing into the microphone, junior Ryan Egan performs with his band The Brink STL at last year’s benefit concert. Egan has been playing concerts in the St. Louis area for four years. “I love performing,” Egan said. “It’s a lot of fun. I enjoy playing in front of a crowd and just playing music in general. I hope to release some music so that I can spread my messages of positivity, perseverance and dedication.”

Junior Ryan Egan uses STEM courses to pursue a career in music

Lydia Roseman, News and Sports Editor January 23, 2019

What kind of art are you interested in? I play in a band called The Brink STL. I’ve been playing guitar for eight years, and I’ve been playing gigs and concerts around St. Louis for the past four...

Ending her video on a happy note, Aaliyah sends her viewers off with a cheer. Weston joined Youtube in 2012, and has since accumulated more than 4,000 subscribers. "I just think making videos is a fun hobby. It has gotten me a lot of
opportunities," Weston said. "I really want to be an actress, but as a side hobby it is a really wonderful
thing that I get to do."

Rising Youtube sensation junior Aaliyah Weston’s channel has almost 5,000 subscribers

Jenna Mercer, Convergent Media Writer January 17, 2019

Now reaching almost 5,000 subscribers, junior Aaliyah Weston created her YouTube channel two years ago. However, last year she reconstructed her channel after she started gaining hundreds of subscribers. Weston...

An assortment of books cradled in her arms, junior Meela Abby arranges belongings in her locker. Abby was enrolled in Parkway from kindergarten, hoping to study psychology upon graduating high school. “My sister went to school here and she told me that as soon as I come here, I need to start working. With my schedule you can’t procrastinate or things go bad,” Abby said. “If you want your education, you have to work hard. It doesn’t come easy.”

“I have to sacrifice”: junior Meela Abby’s daily struggle for education

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief December 17, 2018

“Would you say you face discrimination at this school?” Junior Meela Abby wastes no time to answer, punctuating her response before I can even finish asking the question. “Yes, for sure.” The...