The “poll” shebang: working the 2020 election
Paige Matthys-Pearce, Staff Writer
• November 16, 2020
![Spark! mentor Xanthe Meyer, Bilal Danish, and competitors senior Emma Lee Francois, Parkway South senior Subah Shovik and winner junior Sri Jaladi pose for a photo after the Parkway Spark! Thomas Phelps Pitch Competition Feb. 6. Jaladi’s business, Nano Lending, aims to empower impoverished and homeless entrepreneurs by providing them with foundational products to help them start their own businesses. “It feels really good [running Nano Lending] because it's not necessarily just for money,” Jaladi said. “I think it's great to do something where this is not meant for profit and any money that's repaid back just goes back into the program.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Screen-Shot-2020-05-17-at-3.32.32-PM-900x582.png)
Junior Sri Jaladi Wins $500 in Spark! Pitch Competition
Paige Matthys-Pearce, Staff Writer
• May 19, 2020

Junior Zoe DeYoung wins St. Louis Symphony Orchestra “Express the Music” Senior Poetry Division
Lydia Roseman, News and Sports Editor
• May 11, 2020
![Jumping up in the air, junior Matt Cosgrove winds his arm back to serve the ball. Cosgrove turned down four other offers to commit to Pennsylvania State University to continue his volleyball career. “[Playing club] is a lot more competitive and challenging than playing for your school because you play kids all around the country, and it forces you to raise your level of play,” Cosgrove said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/fortre-900x617.jpg)
Junior Matt Cosgrove’s journey to becoming a Division I athlete
Tre Bell, Staff Writer
• April 14, 2020
![Adjusting the different pieces of her outfit, sophomore Emily O’Connor displays her style. O’Connor often finds her clothes at thrift stores, such as Avalon Exchange. “[When I find something while thrifting] I get so excited. It’s really fun and I always try to think of what would look good with other pieces when I’m [thrifting],” O’Connor said. “[Thrifting] definitely expands your life and your wardrobe.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/DSC_0013-1-900x600.jpg)
Students and staff express themselves through fashion
Mira Nalbandian and Leah Schroeder
• February 28, 2020
![With an effort to raise money for their Thirst Project fundraiser, juniors Salma Ahmed and Sarenna Wood sold their bracelets during lunch Jan. 31. They plan to reach a total of $6,000 dollars by the end of the school year, all of which will be donated to the national Thirst Project. “Being able to sell our bracelets and raise money for people in need makes me feel great, and it is such a great opportunity to help others,” Wood said. “Watching people [that] live in poor countries faces light up when they see that people are donating money to give water is very emotional, and I think that the world needs more of these people.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/IMG-0042-e1582041495396-900x657.jpg)
Thirst Project Club raises more than $2,000 during the first week of fundraising
Jacob Stanton, Staff Writer
• February 19, 2020

Students seek new opportunities through South Tech
Tre Bell, Staff Writer
• February 5, 2020
![Junior Arden Dickson acts out applying makeup onstage. Dickson believes that acting teaches you how to tell a story, which is also important for singing. This led her to create her blog where she shares her experiences with friends and family. “I have heard people [respond with] ‘thank you for sharing’ or ‘I have been in a similar situation myself,’ so it's good to hear that other people are also facing similar situations and that my work is helping others.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/IMG-3659-900x600.jpg)
Creating the blog “Good Song, Good Soul,” junior Arden Dickson shares lessons
Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• February 4, 2020

Stories with Ava: Junior Jenna Balmer performs in sensory-friendly musical
Ava Kayser, Convergent Media Writer
• January 14, 2020
![While making s'mores during her Balancing Chemical Equations lab, junior Kyra DeBauch roasts a marshmallow. Chemistry students learned how to balance chemical equations through a visual experiment of making s'mores. “Being able to [make s'mores] piece by piece really helped me understand the curriculum,” DeBauch said. “I really think all of the kids in the class liked it because we were able to see what we were learning.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/IMG-7602-900x675.jpg)
Photo of the week- Dec. 10
Jacob Stanton, Staff Writer
• December 13, 2019