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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


No Matter Where You Are album review

Dani Fischer, MANAGING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF May 14, 2016

The concept of a two-person band is nothing new. The White Stripes heavily influenced alternative music, and Twenty One Pilots’ “Blurryface” is played constantly on nearly every radio station....

Symphonic Orchestra students rehearse during class.

Sophia Loy on orchestra’s 2017 Montreal trip

Emily Dickson, CONCEPTUAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF May 9, 2016

Seniors Hannah Brauer and Jordan Beveridge practice for Ed Sandheindrich's Symphonic Orchestra Ensemble.

Student musicians compete at State Solo and Small Ensemble Festival

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief April 29, 2016
On April 30, more than 30 music students will perform in the state competition at Mizzou.

Cleopatra review

Gwenn Pietrowski, Staff Writer April 28, 2016
The Lumineers have a solid fan base, and although they added some new variety with this release, they did not lose their sound.
Week of April 18-22

Week of April 18-22

Mary Galkowski, Staff Writer April 22, 2016
On Thursday, acclaimed 80's singer and songwriter Prince passed away at age fifty-seven.

The Black album review

Asking Alexandia's "The Black" is an excessive screamo mess.
Low Kii Savage review

Low Kii Savage review

Dani Fischer, MANAGING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF April 14, 2016
At first listen, the strong pop melodies and catchy hooks in her songs make Kiiara sound like just another Scandinavian singer making her mark in electro pop. The difference, however, between her and other pop stars is huge; she was born and raised in a little town in nearby Illinois and has only released six songs. Add that to the fact that she works a day job at a hardware store, and you have a puzzling artist that leaves many questions unanswered.
Tenor twos senior Marc Doughter, juniors Alex Dunn and Josh Gorman practice an arrangement of the traditional tavern song "Blow The Candles Out" in a sectional reherasal.

Concert Choir sings successfully at Large Ensemble Festival, to showcase talent at Spring Concert

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief April 12, 2016
On March 7, the Concert Choir participated in the Missouri State High School Choir competition as a girls group, a boys group and a mixed group made up of the two.
Week of April 4 - 8

Week of April 4 – 8

Mary Galkowski, Staff Writer April 11, 2016
On Tuesday, junior Alex Nevad won $300 at a Super Smash Bros tournament.
Students look for fun plans to take advantage of  in St. Louis for the rapidly approaching spring break.

Your ultimate alternative spring break calendar

Emily Wind, Staff Writer March 16, 2016
Instead of bingeing on Netflix in bed or trying to break your record for the most days you can go without showering, try these activities to make the most out of your staycation.