![Junior TJ Polack plays his saxophone solo at halftime for the 2024 marching band show, ‘Coloring Book.’ This year, Polack was one of two soloists in the marching band. “[Polack] is very hard on himself. [His saxophone solo] sounds amazing [and] everyone [cheers] for him; [still], somehow, he thinks it’s a bad performance and he's down. What he does is not easy. It takes a lot of confidence as a person [and] a lot of musical skill to be expressive, and he's doing an amazing job,” drum major and senior Dominic Perez said. (Courtesy of Christina Block)](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/462488499_2973926416100522_5057718068659607183_n-1200x925.jpg)
The long run
Sage Kelly, Staff Writer
• November 6, 2024
![Arms outstretched, senior drum major Dom Perez stands high above the ground while conducting the marching band during rehearsal. To improve his performance and gain confidence as a leader, Perez attended a specialized camp over the summer with drum majors around the country. “[Being the drum major,] has been the biggest step out of my comfort zone in my entire life. I'm constantly learning from the things I do and trying to be a better person, better leader [and] better musician every day. It's the very end of the season, and I've put so many hours into learning how to be a good leader and conductor, and all that has helped me have the best season I can. I feel like I've given it my absolute best all the way through,” Perez said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/DomPerezPOTW-1200x800.jpg)
Photo of the Week – October 18
Cindy Phung, Editor-in-Chief
• October 18, 2024

Photo of the Week – Oct. 20
Dana Zafarani, Photo of the Week Editor
• October 20, 2023
![“I’m really enjoying my band classes. I'm taking both Concert and Jazz Band. I'm really having fun playing in both of those and having that community. I am in marching band and so having been able to meet people before the school year and go around the school and meet actually a couple of my teachers. It was just kind of special and nice to be able to form those relationships and be able to know who I can truly come to if I need to. I guess [people who inspire me are] the upperclassmen who I'm friends with. Just being able to see them work through like their own work and talk about the classes that they're taking and seeing them do their work whenever they can. I guess it's one of my big motivators because it kind of gives me a look into what I'll be expecting over my next four years, and it just gives me a bit of a view." - Rowan Ravenscraft, 9](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Rowen-Ravenscraft-grade-9-1200x800.jpg)
Rowan Ravenscraft
Anna Wunsch, CJ1 Writer
• October 18, 2023

PIVOT: Arts education in action
Arden Dickson, Staff Writer
• October 27, 2020

From playing piano in Thailand to marching in the band
Anna Pavlisin, STAFF WRITER
• October 26, 2018

Color guard wins prestigious award
• October 24, 2017

Athlete Spotlight: Vickey Karl
• September 8, 2017

Marching band parades around school
• September 16, 2016

Students share a day in the life of Color Guard
• November 6, 2015