![Blending together a concoction for a science experiment, science teacher Joel Anderson scares his students by bringing excitement and thrill into his classroom for his annual Halloween show. It took about six weeks for Anderson to set up his classroom for the show. “It’s pure terror. I came up with this idea a couple decades ago to do something fun for Halloween. So I pretend to be this mad scientist [that creates] a Frankenstein-like creature [with the class], learning a little bit of science along the way and [then ending] with a laser show. It’s just for fun; entertainment value,” Anderson said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/DSC_0021.JPG_-1200x800.jpg)
Haunting highlights
Yein Ahn and Esta Kamau
• November 1, 2024

Photo of the Week – Sept. 15
Dana Zafarani, Photo of the Week Editor
• September 15, 2023

From molecules to maritozzi
Allison Rueschhoff, CJ1 Writer
• May 26, 2023
![Carefully arranging chemicals with a pipet, senior Grant Meert works to identify unknown solutions in an AP Chemistry lab. After completing the AP Chemistry exam, Meert’s class participated in a lab competition to celebrate the end of the course. “It was very fun. It allowed me to relax and have a good time after a full year of busting my butt in that class. It was both relaxing and intense because [the] score we submitted determined the amount of extra credit points we were given,” Meert said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/image1-1-900x600.jpg)
Photo of the Week — May 12
Emily Early and Serena Liu
• May 12, 2023
![Learning the chemistry behind how popcorn pops, juniors Talie Seers and Nykira Johnson use a beaker clamp to shake a beaker full of popcorn kernels and cover the beaker with a sheet of mesh. The lab helped Seers better understand the kinetic molecular theory concept. “My favorite part [of the class] is how Mrs. Robert leads the class. We get to do labs pretty often which helps me understand the material more and it all ties into what we were learning,” Seers said. “The hardest part was being impatient and waiting for the popcorn to pop and see if we actually did [the lab] right.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2130/03/DSC_0189-1-copy-900x600.jpg)
Photo of the Week – March 3
Elle Rotter, Deputy Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• March 3, 2023
![Adding a base to their acidic liquid to complete a titration, juniors Mazz Siddiqui and Sofia Wu successfully neutralized the liquid. They did the math to find the molarity of the mixture. “The labs were the most interesting [part of chemistry] because I stood up and did something innovative,” Wu said. “The math [was sometimes challenging because it] needed to be correct in a chain reaction; you needed the first question to be right to do the next one right.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image1-900x600.jpg)
Photo of the Week – Feb. 10
Elle Rotter, Deputy Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• February 10, 2023

Keeping his ion the prize
Audrey Ghosh, Opinions Editor
• October 3, 2022

Photo of the week – April 20
Michael Lolley, Staff Writer
• April 24, 2020
![While making s'mores during her Balancing Chemical Equations lab, junior Kyra DeBauch roasts a marshmallow. Chemistry students learned how to balance chemical equations through a visual experiment of making s'mores. “Being able to [make s'mores] piece by piece really helped me understand the curriculum,” DeBauch said. “I really think all of the kids in the class liked it because we were able to see what we were learning.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/IMG-7602-900x675.jpg)
Photo of the week- Dec. 10
Jacob Stanton, Staff Writer
• December 13, 2019

Photo of the week – Feb. 5
Sabrina Bohn and Carly Anderson
• February 9, 2018