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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Social studies teacher Amy Thornhill writes her daily class agenda in front of the whiteboard. Thornhill teaches AP Human Geography, World History and Psychology and has witnessed difficulty for students to form an opinion recently in all of these classes. “Everyone's opinion is valid. Everyone's opinion is justified. But [when] you have so many opinions. It's hard for kids to figure out their [own]. Those are the things I try to articulate and get kids to understand,” Thornhill said.

Nurturing informed minds

Aliza Schroeder, CJ1 Writer June 2, 2023

Social studies teacher Amy Thornhill knows that current events play a major role in the topics she teaches in her classes. Thornhill constantly updates lesson plans to fit the news around the globe because...

Seniors Daniellie McLaurin and Amber Coach work on door decorations after school.

Staff and students celebrate Black History Month

Addie Gleason, Managing Editor-in-Chief February 28, 2022

As the first week of February took its course, students gathered in groups after school to create the behind-the-scenes magic of the Black History Month door decorations. Careful hands traced intricate...

Writing a Teacher of the Year nomination note in World History teacher Amy Thornhill’s class, sophomore Kate Yates gets the opportunity to thank her teacher of choice, as well as possibly nominate them as Teacher of the Year. “[Teachers] spend so much time and effort to teach us and make sure we understand the content. We need a way to appreciate them so they know we are thankful for everything they do for us,” Yates said. “We should [have a say] because we spend the most time with [teachers]. We are the ones in their classes all day.”

Editorial: Teacher versus colleague of the year

Drew Boone and Brinda Ambal November 26, 2019

Each November, staff members receive an email encouraging them to nominate a fellow staff member for the annual school-wide Teacher of the Year award. However, when students are the ones first-handedly...

History teacher Amy Thornhill marks directions on the whiteboard during a Modern U.S. history class.

History Teacher Amy Thornhill undergoes heart surgery over the summer

Leign Ann Barnett, Staff Writer August 19, 2016
Though the surgery did not affect her work, her condition affects all areas of her life, including her job as a teacher.
POW: Amy Thornhill, History teacher

POW: Amy Thornhill, History teacher

Allie Collins, Convergent Media Writer January 15, 2015
"What school were you at before West?"

New faces of West

Macky Kavanaugh, Staff Writer August 26, 2014
Five new teachers have joined the Parkway West High Staff.