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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Tyler Kinzy

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief


Grade: 12

Years on Staff: 4

What has been your favorite quarantine hobby? Reading about how technology controls our lives during a Zoom meeting

Is a hot dog a sandwich? Gordon Ramsay said so and I don’t want him to yell at me.

Who is someone that inspires you? The Lorax

All content by Tyler Kinzy
Navigating college admissions can be intimidating, but if I survived, you can too.

Intro: a complete guide to college admissions

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 14, 2021
At the expense of sounding arrogant, I won the game without playing the game.

About me: an overview of my application

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 14, 2021
What follows is my method of organization, with the obvious disclaimer that you should use whatever system works best for you.

How I stayed organized

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 14, 2021
We can’t have nice things, so we get a confusing hodgepodge of letters and numbers.

Understanding the types of admissions plans

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 14, 2021
Click below to learn more about the Common App Honors and Activities sections, the personal essay, supplemental essays, test scores, interviews and letters of recommendation.

Parts of the college application

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 14, 2021
This is a chance to take a hard look in the mirror and consider what the weaknesses in your application are.

So you were deferred or waitlisted…now what?

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 14, 2021
This is an opportunity to put the ball back in your court and, for 650 words, tell admissions officers anything you want.

The personal essay from start to finish

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 2, 2021
I should also mention that most schools have a way for you to send optional rec letters beyond what is required... That’s fine if the extra work will help your cause, but there’s a saying among AOs, “the thicker the file, the thicker the applicant."

A primer on letters of recommendation

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 2, 2021
You could pour your time into additional test prep, or you could devote that energy to polishing the rest of your application, writing your essays, etc. In my opinion, the latter is likely to yield a higher return on investment.

A rundown on standardized test scores

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 2, 2021

Class of 2021 Commencement Address

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
June 1, 2021
It would be remiss of me not to mention that I emerged victorious in the Pathfinder's Bachelor competition.

Thank you.

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
May 3, 2021


Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
March 31, 2021
According to data from the Dec. 21 Parkway Board of Education meeting, in-school exposure to COVID-19 has resulted in at least 234 staff quarantines and positive cases, each one represented by a dot in the above image.

Parkway needs to listen to its educators

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
January 12, 2021

“walking in the snow” by Run The Jewels

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
December 31, 2020
Speech and Debate

Speech and Debate

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
December 22, 2020
"Nectar," released Sept. 25, is Japanese singer-songwriter Joji's second studio album.

Joji is back, and he brought more bops for emo teens

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
September 29, 2020
Protestors gather in Washington D.C. March 17, 2007 to oppose U.S. military presence in Iraq.

The conversation we need to have about 9/11

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
September 11, 2020
A collage displays students preparing for the first day of school. Parkway began the school year with districtwide virtual instruction upon implementing its ‘Plan C’ for reopening. “I felt slightly nervous before the day started because I didn't know how well our internet would hold up. The thing that scares me the most is that I will never know if the internet will stay up the whole day or if it will go down,” junior Aliana Sawall said. “This experience overall has taught me that I will have to have more patience than usual because this is new to everyone, including teachers.”

Photo of the week – Aug. 24

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 28, 2020
An arrangement of the cover art for the albums discussed herein.

Top five albums to come out of quarantine

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 24, 2020
Teacher Andrew Van Herik protests outside Chicago Public Schools headquarters July 22.

Podcast: COVID-19 and America’s teacher crisis

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
July 29, 2020
Continuing their story, juniors Emma Pence, Chloe Stillman and Ruthie Vierling participate in an activity at a Spanish Club meeting Jan. 24. Club members added one sentence in Spanish before passing the paper onto the next student. "Chloe Stillman had some really creative ideas about Harry Styles concerts. She's just hilarious, and I love being around her," Vierling said. "[I think it is] important to experience other cultures and step out of your own comfort zone because you have to not understand it at first to understand it."

Photo of the week – Jan. 20

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
January 24, 2020
Junior Laura Young refines her speech after receiving feedback from teammates. Young and her debate partner, junior Zoey Womick (not pictured), placed second in the Greater St. Louis Conference in Public Forum Debate for the 2018-19 season. “Being a girl in debate is sometimes intimidating because when you go up against really good teams that are two males or even just one guy, they oftentimes have more of a reputation than the really excellent all-girl teams do,” Young said. “A lot of events are also male-dominated, which is also extremely intimidating because they come off as very charismatic and have so much more of a reputation that it's just really scary to go up against them.”

‘They already trust the guy’

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
September 18, 2019
Reviewing notes, junior Kathryn McAuliffe prepares for the Greater St. Louis Speech Association Workshop Aug. 24. She finished ninth in Internal Extemporaneous Speaking at the 2019 NSDA Eastern Missouri District Tournament. “I've always prepared [for tournaments] knowing this bias is something I've had to deal with. Public speaking-wise, I always make sure I'm not loud when I speak, that I'm always controlled in what I'm saying so that I look very poised,” McAuliffe said. “That pays off so your judge isn't judging you for being too passionate, and they can't say that you're outrageous in what you're saying.”

‘The most annoying voices’

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
September 17, 2019
Before the first round of the tournament, junior Grace O’Connor rehearses her Program Oral Interpretation (POI) performance at the Randy Pierce Winter Classic at Pattonville High School Dec. 7, 2018. Competitors create a performance using various published works of prose, poetry and drama around a central theme. “It hurts when people don't listen to your piece because you spend so much time working on it, and you do really pour your heart into it,” O’Connor said. “When people dismiss it simply because of your gender, it's so heartbreaking and for a lot of people it's not worth it [to continue competing]. It's not worth the emotional labor and the aspects of just not being heard because of what you look like or what your gender is.”

‘Viewed as a mannequin’

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
September 13, 2019
Using only string to stack cups, Spark! students and seniors Christian Hopkins, Ryan Mendonsa, Matthew Weitekamp, Rachel Fleming and Parkway Central senior Sophia Chelist complete a group bonding activity. The program allows students from all four Parkway high schools to explore various career paths of interest in lieu of taking three on-campus courses. “It's nice to leave the traditional day and go [to Spark!]. It's not a typical classroom setting, it helps you to learn about the real world,” Fleming said. “[Spark! has helped me] see if teaching is what I want to do when I'm older, if I actually enjoy it or not before I go spend money on it in college.”

Photo of the week – Aug. 19

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
August 23, 2019
On the anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting, April 20, 2018, a student holds a sign at a protest against gun violence in downtown St. Louis.

2/14/18: the day we failed to take action

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
February 14, 2019
11:56 a.m.
Conversing with classmates, sophomores Fatima Shabab and Josh Rushing participate in a speed dating activity during their AP World History class. Teacher Kristen Collins (not pictured) assigned each student a historical figure to research and portray. “Suleiman the Magnificent was mine. My favorite part of the assignment was being able to dress up like the figure,” Rushing said. “[Creative projects] are a lot more enjoyable, because you have more control over how you tackle it.”

[Photo] 11:56 a.m.

February 4, 2019
Scaling a fence while handcuffed, sophomore Arden Dickson and senior Hayden Riehl perform a scene from "The 39 Steps." Among the characters Riehl portrays is Richard Hannay, a British man attempting to hide from law enforcement after being accused of murder. “[Hannay is] this really high energy, ‘stick-in-the-mud’ type character,” Riehl said. “He is super exhausting to play because of all the running I do, but he’s just got a really fun properness to him that completely contradicts all the wildness around him.”

Cast and crew look ahead to premiere of The 39 Steps

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
September 20, 2018
Hanging a flier on a locker, junior Sabrina Bohn raises awareness for the upcoming voter registration event Sept. 18. The campaign seeks to increase youth voter turnout ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. "It may not seem like one vote can change the way things are, but it really can," Bohn said. "Some candidates win by one vote in a precinct, so your vote really does matter and that’s why it’s so important for high schoolers to start registering."

Student activists to host voter registration event

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
September 14, 2018

9. Acceptance into elite colleges is the wrong goal

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
September 4, 2018

[Video] Inside an Improv Show

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
May 24, 2018
This Is America Review

This Is America Review

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
May 23, 2018
Performing their Victorian England reprise of Romeo and Juliet, freshmen Trinity Mathis and Abbey Thompson act out a scene from their self-written script. The group had  two days to rehearse the performance after submitting the written portion of their project. “Being able to act out the work that we put into it at the end, that was really fun,” Thompson said. “We went to Savers down the street and got costumes, trench coats and stuff to really get into character.”

Romeo and Juliet Performances photo gallery

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
April 11, 2018
Center fielder Jack Swiney hauls in a fly ball for the out. In addition to a 1.000 fielding percentage, Swiney led Parkway West with a team-high mark in batting average, slugging percentage, on-base plus slugging, runs batted in and extra-base hits his junior year. “It’s a lot of hard work to get where you want to be if you want to play at the next level,” Swiney said. “You’ve got to sacrifice a lot of your time and commit to the process.”

Senior Jack Swiney signs to play Division I baseball

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief
December 12, 2017