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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Critical race theory can be used to analyze situations in St. Louis, including at our own school.

The plight of the West County parent

Mira Nalbandian, Managing Editor-in-Chief October 13, 2021

Unfortunately, critical race theory still can be applied to many events within the education sphere in America’s current climate. Brittany Hogan, Rockwood School District’s former director of diversity...


Addie Gleason, Managing Editor-in-Chief October 5, 2021

Digitalization of assignments has become a quick process over the past years. Assignments rapidly turned from paper, to computer labs to constantly accessible personal computers. Technologies such as...


Addie Gleason, Managing Editor-in-Chief October 5, 2021

For hundreds of years, assignments have been written. Smart Boards and computers were unheard of as teachers printed out all learning materials. Some believe that the traditional methods still work and...

Free speech on a national level

Tanvi Kulkarni, Features Editor September 17, 2021

The United States was founded on the ideals of democracy and freedom. The First Amendment written in 1787 clearly states that “Congress shall make no law… abridging freedom of speech.” The freedom...

Free press on an international level

Tanvi Kulkarni, Features Editor September 17, 2021

Conversely, countries such as Syria, which has an extremely oppressive regime, are very restricted in speech and press. Freedom of the World 2021 rated Syria a 1/100 in terms of political rights and civil...

Free press in our community

Tanvi Kulkarni, Features Editor September 17, 2021

The Challenges to Democracy class taught by social studies teacher Kristen Collins explored the personal sacrifices of journalists in censored nations and commemorated 24 journalists that were killed on...

The first thing to know about college interviews is that you shouldn’t worry about college interviews.

How to make college interviews less scary and more successful

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief August 2, 2021

The first thing to know about college interviews is that you shouldn’t worry about college interviews. If a school offers interviews, you should take one to reaffirm your interest, but these aren’t...

If a college was going to admit you simply because you were captain of the math team, they wouldn’t need you to write this essay. What do you want to tell colleges about yourself that the activities section of the Common Application doesn’t?

But wait, there’s more: a guide to supplemental essays

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief August 2, 2021

First — and most importantly — if you’re reading this right before an application deadline: welcome, fellow member of the procrastination nation. I respect your hustle. I imagine this will be...

This is an opportunity to put the ball back in your court and, for 650 words, tell admissions officers anything you want.

The personal essay from start to finish

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief August 2, 2021

I want to begin this section on the Common Application personal essay by telling you a story about myself, something to help you understand who I am. A stentorian clangor jolted throughout the right...

I should also mention that most schools have a way for you to send optional rec letters beyond what is required... That’s fine if the extra work will help your cause, but there’s a saying among AOs, “the thicker the file, the thicker the applicant."

A primer on letters of recommendation

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief August 2, 2021

Let’s talk about letters of recommendation, AKA the things that brought out several of my biggest fears: asking for favors and people talking about me behind my back. I’m going to compartmentalize...