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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


A student models purple pants, a groutfit and dressing like an evergreen tree.

Fashion for the fatigued

Fatema Rehmani, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief December 17, 2019

“I’m so fancy,” said no sleep-deprived person ever. Dressing up takes motivation, time and energy, unfamiliar concepts to the procrastinators among us. However, now that we have learned how to deal...

Clearing her nasal passages, sickly senior Susie Seidel expels mucus in hopes of relieving her symptoms. Seidel is currently suffering from the ongoing plague, suspected to be Senioritis, impacting the senior class. “I had a quiz this morning so I came to school thinking I could muster enough strength to make it through the day,” Seidel said. “After I finished my quiz, I realized I was no match for the deadly disease and quickly left school so I wouldn’t infect others. I guess you could say I was caring, I removed myself from school to ensure the safety of others."

2. BREAKING: Rampant plague ravages senior class

Tyler Kinzy and Kathryn McAuliffe November 1, 2019

In what the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warns may be the worst outbreak since the bubonic plague, a sudden pandemic has emerged, inflicting widespread illness among the senior class. “It’s...

A student accidentally falls asleep on her book in class. She got two hours of sleep the previous night. “I always fall asleep in my classes and miss out on information, so then I have to stay up the next night trying to figure out how to do the homework,” she said. “This cycle makes everything so hard, but I refuse to sleep at night because hashtag sleep is for the weak.”

The myths of sleep deprivation among generation z(zzz)

Fatema Rehmani, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief October 30, 2019

Sleep is for the weak: the junior year mantra. Rise and grind, get ‘er done, do good things with your time—not because you care—solely to put on your applications. This is the time to make yourself...

Senior Emma Caplinger studies a to-do list of summer assignments at the Town and Country Crossing Starbucks. Students have the entire summer to complete their homework, although most wait until the end of summer break. "Having other people working around me makes me feel better about doing my homework during the summer," Caplinger said. "Usually though, I just scroll through Instagram for a few hours and do it all the night before school starts."

Best ways to avoid summer homework

Emma Caplinger, Arts and Entertainment Editor August 1, 2019

Every year I promise myself I’ll start my summer homework earlier than the week before it is due, and every year, I disappoint myself. To all my past English teachers, I’m so sorry for the rushed essays...


West High Building Awards

Andrew Li and Peyton Gaskill May 9, 2019

As we embark on the last week of our high school journey, we reflect on the many memories formed here: countless conversations, unforgettable laughter and absurd reviews. In order to put a bow on the close...

The Pathfinder Editorial Board regrets to inform you of the official discontinuation of the Parkway West High School Pathfinder online student newspaper as of March 31.

Broken Compass: The Pathfinder calls it quits

Pathfinder Editorial Board April 1, 2019

To Whom it May Concern, The Pathfinder Editorial Board regrets to inform you of the official discontinuation of the Parkway West High School Pathfinder online student newspaper as of March 31. After...

A student mimics using a juul outside the Juuling Lounge, where a temporary sign has been hung up. “I think that even this flash drive looks cool, you know? I can almost feel the nicotine buzz,” the unnamed student said.

Broken Compass: Administration finally takes action on Juuling epidemic

Maria Newton and Dani Fischer December 6, 2018

Everyone knows this all-too-common scenario: you’re sitting in class, working on a test review, and suddenly you get the itch for nic(otine). You raise your hand to ask to go to the bathroom, but...

OpEd: The Grand Stuffing Dispute

Pathfinder Editorial Board November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving is often praised as a time for family and loved ones to unite over a grand meal, but the holiday can also serve as the breeding ground for fierce debates ranging from politics to the food...

Seniors Peyton Gaskill, Dani Fischer and Zach Poscover take a much-needed snooze in the senior lounge. The senior lounge exists so that seniors can sleep during the school day. “My favorite part of senior year is staying up late so I can sleep at school,” Fischer said. “School is so fun.”

Quiet Zone mandate to be enforced around the senior lounge to protect the rights of seniors

Maria Newton, FEATURES EDITOR October 25, 2018

Due to the large number of slumbering students in the senior lounge, senior class presidents Bella Hatzigeorgiou and MJ Stricker have decided to construct a soundproof box around the collection of priceless,...

The search is over: restroom reviews

The search is over: restroom reviews

Maddie Cooke, Peyton Gaskill, and Andrew Li October 9, 2018

27 total bathrooms 1st Floor Outside the Cafeteria Music Hallway Theater Science Hallway Locker Rooms 2nd Floor North Gym Main Entrance Nurses Office Math Wing Business/FACS...