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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Moving her hand to to copy the leader, freshman Harlei Young participates in the ‘say it and do it’ activity in the third common ground of the year.  The main focus of this activity was to examine the concept of honor and if students would remove themselves from the game if they did not follow the leader. “Common Ground is great because it gives us a place to ask questions and a group of people to talk to,” Young said. “We play games as a group and it lets us get to know other students.”

Photo of the week – Oct. 29

Drew Boone, Staff Writer
November 1, 2019
Battling for possession, sophomore wingman Matthew Parnas steals the ball from his Hazelwood West opponent. The varsity boys soccer team beat Hazelwood West 5-3 to get their seventh win of the season. “I think the mentality was pretty positive coming off of a couple wins with a season that hasn’t really been what we have hoped for win-wise," Parnas said. "But we found a way to keep our heads together to steal a couple wins."

Photo of the week – Oct. 21

Tre Bell, Staff Writer
October 25, 2019
Feeding a live mouse to snake Tupac Tuba Gilbert Scott the Seventh, junior Nev Hill snatches a front-row view as classmates crowd around to watch the spectacle unfold. It is strongly suggested for students in Zoology, a course taught by science teacher Amy Cohen (not pictured), to own or co-own a pet. “[People who are scared] should just meet my snake because she’s really sweet. I think they just need to get over the initial fear factor and just realize that they’re really sweet animals [that] aren’t going to hurt anybody,” Hill said. “[My snake] is cute, and she is just there. She has never bitten anyone [and] never would bite anybody. She just sits there and wants to cuddle and be warm around your neck or your hand.”

Photo of the week – Oct. 14

Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
October 17, 2019
Waiting for his blood to fill the bag, senior Bailey Mosher donates blood at the Red Cross Blood Drive Oct. 5. The event was organized by the Red Cross Club, and donors ages sixteen and up could participate. “I thought it would be helpful to donate. I knew a lot of people from West wouldn’t be able to, and we didn’t have a lot of time to spread the word,” Mosher said. “You save around three lives just by donating blood, so it’s a cool thing to do to help other people.”

Photo of the week – Oct. 7

Sophie Gulino, Convergent Staff Writer
October 11, 2019
Rallying for the point, junior Lindsey Anstrom plays during girls tennis senior night Oct. 1. Both JV and varsity defeated Eureka while honoring their seniors. “The season went by really quickly. This was the best season for me because I had my best friend, Gabrielle Oliver, as my partner, and we would just have fun on the court,” Anstrom said. “We would worry about the score, but we wouldn’t stress if we were losing. We did this handshake after each play, no matter if we won or lost the point; it was just a sign of sportsmanship and that we trusted each other.”

Photo of the week – Sept. 30

Sabrina Bohn, Managing Editor-in-Chief
October 4, 2019
Getting ready to bite into food truck menu options from UKRAFT Eats, junior Claire Middleton and seniors Aaliyah Weston and Reema Alhachami learn about the logistics of owning a food truck from owner and operator Matt Ratz. Marketing I teacher Holly Weber brought in Ratz to guide students as they create their own food trucks for their class projects, and inspire them to set and accomplish goals. "There are so many different options of what you can eat, or what [the truck] can look like and hearing about how it started was so interesting to me,” Middleton said. “[Ratz] said specifically that you should follow your dreams, and you have an idea or a vision of something you really want to do, go for it and go all in. It gave me more of a positive outlook and if I do set my mind to something I can get there and accomplish it.”

Photo of the week – Sept. 23

Susie Seidel, Convergence Media Editor
September 27, 2019
Holding hand-made signs in front of St. Louis City Hall, sophomore Maura Collins, senior Sabrina Bohn, juniors Ulaa Kuziez, Abby Caudill, Zoe Rutledge and Gillian Davis and senior Jack Carusa protest against inaction on environmental crises during school hours Sept. 20. Kuziez participated in the organization of the climate strike to plan out the logistics of the walkout and facilitate greater high school involvement. “The climate crisis is obviously the biggest threat to our lives and to our future. I still don’t think many people are treating it as a crisis, but it’s imminent, and it’s already happening right now,” Kuziez said. “A lot of the things [the speakers] were talking about was new information, so I treated it as a learning experience so I could become more educated about the issue. One of the speakers talked about how the climate crisis is fueled by capitalism and greed from fossil fuel companies who care about profits [more than] people. Her speech was talking about how it is important to think about the climate crisis as an extension of these capitalistic, colonial systems.”

Photo of the week – Sept. 16

Nayeon Ryu, Video Editor
September 20, 2019
Parting the curtain separating the senior lounge from the senior hallway, senior Nolan Barbre walks the red carpet the morning of Thursday, Sept.12. In honor of the senior class theme for Homecoming week, West Coast Glam, Barbre dressed up as singer/songwriter Elton John. “This has been the best spirit week I’ve seen in all four years, just because of the participation. I see a lot more people participating, everyone’s doing it rather than just the upperclassmen. Glam Day has been my favorite day so far because I got to dress up as Elton John.”

Photo of the week – Sept. 9

Lydia Roseman, News and Sports Editor
September 13, 2019
At a field hockey team dinner, sophomores Sarah Kline and Annie Zahoran blow up another balloon for a competition to see who could not let the balloon drop to the floor on Sept. 2. Members of the field hockey program met at Coach Dawn Callahan’s house for a team dinner of Italian food.  “We were playing keep it up with the balloons as a competition between our three teams, but we ended up popping all of them. I was really struggling [to blow the balloons up] but we ended up having a lot of fun anyways," Kline said.

Photo of the week – Sept. 2

Kathryn McAullife, CEIC Intern
September 6, 2019
Molding the clay, junior Ledaniel Jackson works on building the base of his ceramic cactus. After the class completed their donuts project, they began creating cactuses for the coil building unit. “I think the best part about the class is having the freedom to create [ceramics] on our own,” Jackson said. “It makes the class really fun.”

Photo of the week – Aug. 30

Ridwan Oyebamiji, Features Section Editor
August 30, 2019