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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Senior Trisha Manna examines a flower while at a fairy-themed tea party that her friends decided to throw. Manna picked out the music they played for their party. “My favorite thing was the feeling of being there,” Manna said. “It kind of felt like it was a world away because we had school the next day [and] we were escaping from that.”

A whimsical affair

Sarah Boland, Staff Writer November 9, 2021

Fairies, princesses and tea parties: a childhood dream come to life. Seniors Marissa Liu, Trisha Manna, Brinda Ambal, Maura Collins and Tiffany Ung ended their summer with a fairy-themed tea party. The...

Students show interest in non-school sponsored sports, finding a way to express themselves outside of school.

Athletes engage in non-traditional after school sports

Emma Iswarienko, Staff Writer November 5, 2021

Soaring over a jump, hitting her forms for the judges, the splash of water in his face  and  landing a trick for the first time - while these students have almost nothing in common, their passion for...

Sophomore Anijah Wilson, sophomore Printéz Harris, freshman Somer King, senior Ja’Khai Aiken-Guerrier, senior Daniellie McLaurin and junior Brian Campbell model their hair. Collage uses photographs by Kelsea Wilson, Addie Gleason, Abbi Vanvalkenburgh and Brinda Ambal.

The pride and culture of Black hair

Elizabeth Franklin, Editor-in-Chief November 4, 2021

Since the days of American slavery, Black hair has been a widely debated and criticized topic. In the early 1700s, white people degraded slaves with natural hair by calling it “wool,” comparing Black...

Senior Mckayla Apollo shows her tattoo that reads 'your wings were ready but my heart was not' while looking at a picture of her mom.

Significant Ink

Drew Boone, Staff Writer November 4, 2021

When in high school students choose a variety of ways to express their personality. Whether it be through clothes or jewelry, many factors help make each student their own. For seniors Kenzi Sampson, Tyree...

Senior Laurel Rakers and her family hosted a fundraiser to raise money for ALS tests and experiments to help find a cure. Their goal was to raise over $105,000 and they surpassed it. “[Reaching our goal] was amazing. We had an amazing turnout this year and it means so much to me and my family that all of these people come to support and help my dad,” Laurel said. “It’s honestly insane how many people come and support us each year.”

Fighting to raise awareness for her father’s Lou Gehrig Disease

Tre Bell, Staff Writer November 3, 2021

Senior Laurel Rakers' father, Lyle Rakers, has been fighting Lou Gehrig Disease (ALS) for the past four years. ALS is a nervous system disease that breaks down muscles and impacts physical function. “[Lyle]...

Senior Paige Wehrmeister stunts her Lance Havana 125 cc scooter as she smiles for a picture. After riding her scooter for over a year, Wehrmeister has picked up some tips and tricks. “A [scooter] is pretty simple to ride so it only took a couple of days to get that part down but it took me a couple weeks to go the speed limit easily because I was scared at first. Having passengers also makes it a bit trickier because their weight can be a challenge when they don’t lean with you, especially on the turns,” Wehrmeister said. “It’s [also] a good thing to keep your fingers hovering near the brakes so you can have a fast reaction when you need to break fast.”

Adventure rider senior Paige Wehrmeister’s non-traditional school transportation

Tre Bell, Staff Writer November 1, 2021

Rolling up to school with her hair tied in braids and the wind in her face, senior Paige Wehrmeister rides her Lance Havana 125 cc engine scooter.  “I drive [my scooter] sometimes, depending on...

Freshman Skyler Gulino and freshman Molly Bailey converse and laugh at their second lunch. Now that she has been in person for three months, Bailey is feeling more a part of West than she did last year. “In eighth grade, I was [a part of] the virtual Parkway West (middle school campus) program. I hadn’t actually and physically been in person since about November of 2019, my seventh grade [year],” Bailey said.

Practicing patience: Freshman Molly Bailey’s take on staying positive

Ashlyn Gillespie and Ellie West October 28, 2021

Seventh-grade Molly Bailey sits in the backseat of her family car, focused on her laptop. Her midterm finals stare back at her as the scenery of the Western U.S. zooms past. Boxes filled with clothes,...

After waking up at 4 a.m. and summiting the first mountain of the day, junior Lexi Lutz (third from the left) pauses to take a victory picture with her team at the peak. To get to this point, Lutz traveled through miles of technical terrain along a steep slope with eroded and loose rocks. “We summited three peaks that day and rested in between the peaks, because it shielded us from bad weather,” Lutz said. “The first peak was great, and it was a beautiful view; I was hardly tired. [Throughout the day], we traveled across so much land and my legs felt stiff and tired. The walking felt endless but I felt really accomplished and connected to nature when I got back down.”

Peak performance

Tanvi Kulkarni, Features Editor October 27, 2021

In early May, junior Lexi Lutz interviewed to be a part of a program for the Montana Wilderness School, a non-profit organization based in Bozeman, Mont. that provides wilderness education for teenagers....

Senior Kayvon Rezaei poses with his Volvo after handwashing it. He initially thought washing cars was a daunting task but soon found enjoyment in the activity.  “I’ve never hand-washed my car before so this was a new experience,” Rezaei said, “I never thought about cleaning things such as the exhaust pipes or the wheels.”

School, sports and Swedish sedans

Joseph Denklau, Guest Writer October 25, 2021

The car glides down the road; the engine purrs quietly. The speaker system is blasting a song. The driver, senior Kayvon Rezaei, drifts into the parking lot, never hesitating, the car's smooth movements...

Overlooking the iconic Pinehurst golf course, Kylie and Jamie Secrest pose for a picture in the fairway of the 2020 World Teen Championship. This tournament was strictly invite-only and Kylie excelled, achieving 37th in her age group, her dad right by her side. “This was one of the last times my dad was able to caddie for me before he was unable to do so due to his ALS,” Kylie said. “I loved him caddying for me. He always knew what to say [to me] when I got upset and he was able to see me grow throughout my golf career.”

Growth, gratitude and grappling with loss

Katie Wallace, Staff Writer October 12, 2021

Wheelchair scuffs and dents line the walls, adapted chairs and assistive devices remain scattered around the house, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) awareness bracelets and tokens pool in random dishes....