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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


After surgery, senior Zina Alshekhlee comes home to flowers and presents arranged by friends and family. She left the hospital in a wheelchair and attended school for four months. "Before the surgery, I wasn't too nervous or anything; I was like, 'okay, I'm just going to show up and get this over with just kind of where I was at that day.' I expected to be okay soon," Alshekhlee said.

Road to recovery: senior Zina Alshekhlee’s journey with scoliosis

Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief January 28, 2022

After receiving a diagnosis in the eighth grade, senior Zina Alshekhlee works to recover from major surgery to help better her scoliosis. At first, it had little impact on Alshekhlee's life; however,...

Standing in front of the Marine Corps symbol, junior Audrey Griswold tours Iowa State University ROTC. Griswold always thought the Naval Academy was the place where she wanted to start. “At the Naval Academy, once you step on campus you are active military, whereas by taking an ROTC program you would be able to have your own college experience. So it's very different, but I think both are exceptional options,” Griswold said.

Hoping to continue her family legacy in the military

Ava Griswold, Yearbook Editor-in-Chief January 27, 2022

With a family history in the military, junior Audrey Griswold decided at the age of 13 that she wanted to continue the family legacy, serving her country.  Griswold is thinking about the Naval Academy...

Working on code with his dad, freshman Sasha Tripathi continues to fix some bugs on his project after winning the Congressional App Challenge for creating an app that detects skin cancer. “It makes me proud because I put my own hard work into it, and it just feels really good to have [it all] pay off,” Tripathi said.

Freshman Sasha Tripathi wins Congressional Award for life-saving app

Gabbie Kerber, CJ1 Writer January 26, 2022

After browsing the internet looking at a forum for computer science, freshman Sasha Tripathi stumbled upon a Congressional App Challenge. Looking for something to do during COVID-19, Tripathi decided to...

Posing for a picture, seniors Claire Folkins and Lauren Beach wear their handmade hoodies from their small business @sundaymorning_stl. Folkins and Beach knew their target market and saw the opportunities from starting their own business. “We want [our customers] to feel like they are living like their Pinterest board,” Folkins said. “We found a way to make the sweatshirts many teens want, affordable and customizable which is different from a professional online shop.”

Creating sweatshirts and smiles; a small business inspires students during difficult times

Maddy Bach, Yearbook Contributor January 25, 2022

With Instagram inspiration and COVID-19 boredom, seniors Claire Folkins and Lauren Beach noticed their friends’ desire for Shein prices and put their digital cutting Cricut machine to work. Customers...

Senior Ja’marion Wayne’s football career doesn’t stop in high school

Achyuta Ambal, Staff Writer January 21, 2022

On a hot day in the summer of sophomore year, the Wayne family household’s silence was interrupted with the shrill shriek of the phone. Picking the phone up, senior Ja’marion Wayne’s expression shifted...

Freshman Sabrina Urdaneta and her friends pose in front of her house in Cuba. The house was where Urdaneta lived before she left for America, close to the city of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. “All of the walls were rusty and the tiles were falling off. The floor was dirty, but in Cuba - where I lived - my house was considered a really nice house which is crazy to think about, coming to the United States and seeing what a house here looks like,” Urdaneta said.

Año nuevo, vida nueva

Elizabeth Franklin, Editor-in-Chief January 21, 2022

Most people in America would think a pink toothbrush printed with beaming, blushing Disney princesses on the side is nothing out of the ordinary. Most people wouldn’t think twice about seeing a new electric...

Junior Elle Rotter’s collection of five ducks sits lined up on a table. Rotter felt joyful finally finding a duck for herself. “I remember all day [when the ducks were first put out] looking for them in the hallways, library and at lunch,” Rotter said. “A lot of my friends found one before me but I finally found one in the library the next day. I instantly felt so happy. I remember [also] feeling dumb for being so happy and proud, but I quickly shrugged that feeling off and have since enjoyed keeping my eye out for the ducks around the school.”

Duck, duck…on the loose?

Katie Wallace, Staff Writer January 20, 2022

Sophomore Kat Fitzanko walks through the halls carrying a heavy backpack. All of a sudden, she spots a small, yellow object perched up high on a windowsill. A smile dawns across her face as she realizes...

Digging their sandy toes into the ground, seniors Areeb Hasan and Uzair Mohsin prepare to block senior Nathan Meek’s spike, set up by seniors Manoah Inje and Gordon Yu. The boys took time to hype each other up after plays. “There's a lot of boosting each other up. As you play, you have like five people telling you how great you are and that feels great. When we get off [the pit], people always comment like 'Oh, so-and-so has gotten so good at this.’ I love that we’re learning and having a good time,” Meek said.

A net gain: senior boys spend quality time in the sand volleyball pits

Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief January 13, 2022

In an age where students have become increasingly focused on grades, extracurriculars and college applications, a group of boys have taken to playing amateur sand volleyball at Edgar M. Queeny County Park...

Getting ready to be recorded, sophomore Katelynn Meyer (right) takes position to sign the news for the day. As a member of Longhorn Sports Production and News (LSPN), Meyer, along with sophomore Mackenzie Brown, anchored the daily round up news which included general announcements, clubs & activities and a featured story. “After-school clubs gave me a place to be, other than the DHH room, and an opportunity to meet and to communicate with my hearing peers,” Meyer said. “LSPN News in particular helped me feel really confident in communicating with others and with larger crowds.”

Navigating the world in silence

Raj Jaladi, Newsletter Editor/Data Analyst December 16, 2021

Living in a world of silence is the common reality for those suffering from hearing impairment. According to the CDC, as many as 15% of school-age children have significant hearing loss in at least one...

Lifting a state record in the deadlift event, sophomore Tommy Eschbach pulls 360 lbs to his hips. Behind him, a competition official ensures that Eschbach’s form is synonymous with powerlifting regulations. “I tried my best and I got results, so I know that if I work hard enough I can compete in a national competition and maybe even get a record,” Eschbach said.

Weightlifting his way to the top

Achyuta Ambal, Staff Writer December 15, 2021

Knees shaking, legs aching and arms straining, sophomore Tommy Eschbach lifts 360 lbs up to his hips into a deadlift. The only thoughts running through his head are telling him to push himself to the max....