Convergence Journalism 1 Writers
Lava Cake Hershey Kisses.
I Lava this chocolate
With Valentine’s Day coming up, a new flavor of Hershey’s Kisses has been released. The new candy is based on lava cake, with the outer part being dark chocolate, and the inner part being a gooey chocolate filling. But before you try these, there are a few things to be aware of. For potential allergens, the product contains milk and soy. A 9oz bag costs $6.99, and each six-piece serving (28g) is 120 Cal.
The Lava Cake Hershey Kiss smelled like sweet dark chocolate and powdered sugar. The outside was textured yet classic dark chocolate shell but the inside tasted like sweet cheap caramel sauce. Not exactly reminiscent of lava cake but still tasty nonetheless. Fortunately, the inside texture is everything it’s made out to be. The inside was a lava-like texture, and the outside was a thick chocolate shell. Overall, the lava cake flavor of Hershey’s Kisses was delicious, and all of us enjoyed them enough to eat multiple of them.