Loufest 2017
September 20, 2017
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A&EReturn to roots
A&EFall favorites: Essentials for the perfect season
A&EThe two Americas
A&E2023-2024 Pathfinder Wrapped
A&EMusic for a movement
A&EHidden Corners: Uncovering the murals of West
A&ESmiles and swoons
A&EYou’re gonna go far
A&EFINAL six songs for your international playlist
A&EDecoding the depths of dreamscapes
MultimediaFrom practice to performance
MultimediaAthletes of West: Junior Leyton Usry
MultimediaCollege Bound Ep. 1: Senior Siena Snyder, University of Michigan
MultimediaBehind the lens
MultimediaRallying together: A day of school spirit
MultimediaBest of Homecoming spirit week 2024
MultimediaSpreading paw-sitivity
MultimediaThe Secret Life of an Athlete: Carson House
MultimediaPathfinder Debates: Immigration
MultimediaSenior Insights
VideosWho won the Pathfinder Bachelorette???
VideosPathfinder Bachelorette: Valentine’s Day Edition EP. 3
VideosPathfinder Bachelorette: Valentine’s Day Edition EP. 2
VideosPathfinder Bachelorette: Valentine's Day Edition EP. 1
VideosThe "if" and "what"s of the Feminist Club
VideosWhat would you name your child?
VideosVideo: Senior Reflections
VideosWho was your first high school crush?
VideosWho would you like to thank today?
VideosWhich part of the building will you never forget?
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About the Contributors
Carly Anderson, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
Grade: 12
Years on Staff: 4
What's your coffee order? Hot chocolate, please.
What song describes you best? Magic Dance by David Bowie.
What is the one thing you cannot live without? Dog accounts on Instagram.
Sabrina Bohn, Managing Editor-in-Chief
Grade: 12
Years on Staff: 4 (yeehaw)
What's your coffee order? Tall iced caramel latte, extra shot, half sweet (AKA 1.5 pumps of caramel syrup). (I'm so sorry.)
What song describes you best? Yes I'm Changing by Tame Impala
What is the one thing you cannot live without? Love <3
Kristin Priest, STAFF WRITER
Grade: 11
Years on staff: 3
Life soundtrack: "Dreamer" by the Head and the Heart.
Most passionate about: "Social equality for everyone. I hope someday we see our peers as mutuals, and not by their pre-determined societal sub-groups."
Favorite dance move: a pirouette