Week of Sept 7 – 11
September 15, 2015
Senior Jack O’Connor asked Claire Dreller to Homecoming by painting the question “HC?” and putting a cut out picture of his head on her car. [Alex Karrenbrock, 12]
On Wednesday, Sept. 9, sophomore Rachel Wang arm wrestled English II teacher Casey Holland. [Betsy Wait, 10]
The soccer team dinner on Wednesday night left players with satisfyingly full-stomachs from junior Connor Basler’s new family restaurant, Daily’s. [Mary Galkowski, 12]

Varsity and JV girls volleyball made t-shirts saying “#MallieStrong” in support of Mallie Rover, a sophomore at Kirkwood High School battling stage four brain cancer.
Apple revealed that the new iPhone 6S will be available Tuesday, Sept. 9 in rose gold. [Bella Hatzigeorgiu, 9]
On Friday during second lunch, senior Hassan Baig asked senior Lauren Sanford to Homecoming by playing “The Real Slim Shady” by Eminem over the speakers in the cafeteria. [Peyton Gaskill, 9]
Senior Vericia Pearson and junior Abby Kottemeyer went undefeated 16-0 in their tennis doubles tournament on Friday, and the entire varsity team received first place. [Jenny Chai, 11]
Sister of P.E. teacher Katelyn McCreary, surprised her with flowers and a cookie cake for her birthday during blocked sixth and seventh hour P.E. class on Friday. Students broke into song while McCreary laughed claiming she was “too old for the Happy Birthday song.” [Trinity Norris, 9]
Dr. Frye’s English II class had Fun Friday on Sept. 11 by watching Lord of the Flies and eating snacks. [Alex Foelsch, 10]
Varsity golf wins at Lindbergh invitational tournament with a score of 356. Senior Rebecca Su scored 14th place with a score of 79 on an 18-hole course. [Ashley Spillmann, 9]

Baby powder was thrown in the air by the student section while chanting the “I Believe” cheer at the home football game Friday night against U City. -Haley Tiepelman (11)
Katy Mangrich’s Photo I class learned how to roll film on Friday. [Shanna Bailey, 10]
Sophomores Sydney Kinzy, Hannah Hoffmann, Chris Bass and Joe Williams convinced faculty around the building to hit the Whip and the Nae Nae. [Maret Welby, 12]
WOW had their second meeting that was homecoming themed. Tutorials of good versus bad makeup were demonstarted, and junior Kaliegh Riggs was given the bad tutorial! [Claire Dreller, 12]
The Parkway West marching band performed their show “Poltergeist” for the first time at the varsity home game on Septe. 11. [Justin Cupps, 9]