Wielding foam swords, freshmen Sydnee Yap, Betsy Wait and Vaishali Shah reenact a fight scene from act three of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Shah played Tybalt, an angry Capulet. During January, freshman Honors English students immersed themselves in the classic story using modern methods. Besides acting out scenes from the play, the students also watched segments of film adaptations, participated in group discussions and developed ideas for placing the story in historical conflicts. “We aren’t just reading the book, we are getting to put ourselves in the characters’ shoes. It helps me to visualize the story,” Shah said.
Combating Shakespeare
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About the Contributor

Grade: 12
Years on staff: 4
Life soundtrack: “Ohio – filious remix” by Damien Jurado.
Most passionate about: “Equal opportunity education for children in the United States and around the world. The quickest way to change a community is to educate young girls.”
Favorite dance move: the Lipgloss dance (“What you know ’bout me?!”)