![Kicking off dress rehearsal, Mr. Longhorn contestant and senior Carson Hughes goes over the group routine alongside other competitors. With just two days of practice, all participants learned the entirety of their introductory dance, chose an occupation to embody and crafted skits for the show. “The best part of this [whole thing] was learning the dance and just practicing with the guys. We [have to] try not to laugh the whole time, but we're having a lot of fun,” Hughes said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_5112-1-e1732164157549-1200x812.jpg)
A tradition almost lost
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• November 20, 2024
![“My family always [put] it in my ear that I really should be a teacher. Two of my sisters are teachers, and I’ve always [enjoyed] explaining [a range of topics]. A place I was working [at] in the health field shut down, and my mom was like, ‘it’s a sign [that] you need to go back to school to get your master’s in education,’ and so I applied at Maryville. I’m proud of my mom. She’s sort of a scrappy person, who is also a good mother and managed to raise us girls while being pretty politically active. My personal value of hard work [is something that matters most to me]. I’m a hard worker [and] I value that in other people. It’s important to me to give it your all, do your best, prepare, and work. I think my students expect to be perfect all the time, but [in reality,] you’re at school to practice and to get better, not to be an expert [from square one]. I feel like [students] sometimes value results rather than respecting themselves for their work. Work hard and be satisfied.” - Sally Steininger, Science](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/KellyS_SteiningerS1-Sage-Kelly-1200x801.jpg)
Sally Steininger, Science
Sage Kelly, Staff Writer
• September 17, 2024
![“[With teaching,] It's very hard to know what you need until you start teaching. But I would say [that] just knowing students are typically doing their best [is the most important factor]. Many of the behaviors you might [recognize] are indications of not understanding [the lesson], or feeling that they're not confident in the class. Knowing that, I think [this mindset] would’ve helped me from the beginning instead of this adversarial type of situation that a lot of teachers might feel going [into teaching]. [It's important to know] that things get easier as you teach because you add more tools to your toolbox as you go. And the more tools you have, the more engaging your classes [will be] and the better feedback you can give [to your] students.” - Sonya McGowin, Spanish](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Sonya-Mcgowin-Staff-1200x800.jpg)
Sonya McGowin, Spanish
Srisha Gujjula, CJ1 Writer
• February 23, 2024
![For the past three years, Parkway has administered high school finals after winter break, a practice that proves to be detrimental to the success as well as the mental health of students. With finals after break appearing to do more harm than good, the question of what changes can be made arises time and time again. “The pressure for finals is difficult, and to have that [pressure for] a few weeks because you're on [a] break can make you generally sad. It's a bummer in general. I wish [finals] were before break, so we [could] have a break to sleep, celebrate and not study. Everyone I've talked to about it is like 'yeah, finals sucks,' and I wish that wasn't a thing,” junior Meadow Kostial said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/decembereditorial-1200x963.jpg)
Post-break panic
Zoya Hasan, Keira Lang, and Pathfinder Editorial Board
• January 5, 2024
![“I love working with students. I love seeing ‘aha moments’ [from my students] and when things click. I enjoy offering study opportunities or travel opportunities specifically. I'm really eager to take students on trips, especially Spanish-speaking communities to see them interact in a real-world scenario with native people. The hardest part of teaching is its crazy political. There are a lot of agendas that get pushed in school and it frustrates me because it shouldn't be about agendas, administration, and politics. It should be about students and their learning and providing the best environment so sometimes it is like a dual-sided coin.” - Jessica Verweyst, Spanish](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/jessicaverweyst-900x600.jpg)
Jessica Verweyst, Spanish
Raneem Hussein, Staff Writer
• August 29, 2023

Teachers speak out as Parkway School District implements a 190-minute reduction to teacher plan time
Ruthvi Tadakamalla, Sports/Newsletter Editor
• June 2, 2023

A Tale of Three Cities
Sakenah Lajkem, Staff Writer
• May 17, 2023