Senioritis: One day we won’t
Will Gonsior and Triya Gudipati
• January 23, 2025

Seniors signing off
Emily Early, Lia Emry, Elizabeth Franklin, Raj Jaladi, Sakenah Lajkem, Mikalah Owens, Samari Sanders, and Serena Liu
• May 10, 2024
![“My [favorite] hobby is running. I have been [a member of the] the cross country and [the] track and field team. [I also enjoy] tinkering [and constructing] random things. Everybody on our team knows about [the complications I had because of my] back. I had [a snag from my regular hobbies after going] through a surgery back in 2022; it took a lot out of me. I couldn't run for four months, and I was really out of shape [when] getting back into cross country. It was really hard for me. I would say a lot of [my inspiration has come from] my dad to be honest. He's the one who has pushed me to improve every day [in] every single [aspect]. He's the one who taught me how to be responsible, manage my time well [and] be consistent. [It’s the] same with running; I'm consistent and I try to work my hardest in order to get better every day. A lot of [my growth] has been tied to running because I have been so involved, but I feel like I’ve become a lot more social with people. I've become more dedicated to the things I like. [During practice], I'm starting to [run] with faster groups now. [I’m] able to keep pace with [people] who [I] didn't used to before. I [am] definitely most proud of my recovery [after] my surgery. It did take me four months to be able to run again, but after that, I really bounced back. I have improved a ton and I'm really proud of that.” - Ragsy Muralidharan, 12](
Ragsy Muralidharan
Sage Kelly, Staff Writer
• April 24, 2024
![“I’m a captain [of the Varsity Cheerleading team]. I think it's fun and I like leading. In practice, we stretch [with] everyone and then we make up quarter and timeout [routines] for the games. It's kind of sad [that it is my last year here], but at the same time I'm excited for [what comes after high school]. I like the pep rallies. [One piece of advice is that] you should always be kind because you never know what someone's going through. You don't want to look back at your high school years and be like, ‘Why did I do that?’ So make sure you think everything through. I want to go to college. I'm looking [forward to either going to] Arizona [for college], but also Mizzou. I want to do something [in the] medical [field], but I want to do something with kids as well. I’m kind of scared, [but I would] probably do pre-med, [and become] a [pediatrician]. I've always liked helping [others] and being around little kids. I feel like it would be really rewarding to help little kids, especially if they're hurt and to make them feel better.” - Marissa Thomasson, 12](
Marissa Thomasson
Andrea Restrepo, CJ1 Writer
• February 5, 2024
![“I'd say my biggest accomplishment was founding the Indian Club with my best friend. I [most proud of it], because it is the only thing that I've done here at West that has proved that I care about my identity, culture, that I care about other people who might struggle with the same [struggles as me], and who may want a place to come and build a community. So that was the first time that I actually created something [that] I deeply wanted to create. I wanted to [make] an Indian Club because I wanted to consolidate a safe space for people who struggled with their identity in school [and] may have formerly faced some sort of bias because of their identity. [My purpose behind making the club rooted from] wanting to learn more about the history of India and being super interested in learning about a lot of the forgotten history.” - Riya Ashok, 12](
Riya Ashok
Mahiya Pallipat, CJ1 Writer
• February 1, 2024

2024 Senior send-off map
Dana Zafarani, Photo of the Week Editor
• January 8, 2024
![“My freshman year [was my hardest] because that was the first year of high school and it was when COVID-19 hit. It definitely [shook] things up, and it's also the year that my dad's illness basically took over my life and changed it beyond belief. My dad was immunocompromised, so I had to constantly focus on [questioning whether I was sick and if it were contagious]. It was a lot for anybody to handle, let alone a teenager. During that time, I didn't have my drivers license, [so] I couldn't escape it. I [was really] spending a lot of time outside playing golf and focusing on college even though I was that young. My main motivation is showing that I can be good at something but still do better. Leave it better than you found it. That's sort of been [my motto ever since] my dad passed away because it changed my perspective. Death doesn't seem so far; It seems so close. You want to make the most [out] of what you want to do in your life.” - Kylie Secrest, 12](
Kylie Secrest
Laney Thomas, Yearbook Contributor
• December 15, 2023
![“I’m proud of being a captain of the varsity football team. I've always wanted to be a really good football player, especially after we win a football game. I don't know what makes football so special to me, but I’ve played it my whole life. There's just something [special] about being on a football team. It's just not like any other sport. Everyone has to do their part [in being a part of the team]. There's no one that can be a standout player and just carry a team to victory. Everybody has to be one team. My dad is really important. He knows a lot about football and helps me. He also just keeps me in-check and so I work hard for him. There is a golf tournament fundraiser coming up for him to raise more money. He has ALS so he is in a wheelchair and it's basically just trying to make up money to help [him with his condition]. My friends are also a big part of my life. They're just always there for me when I need them. I feel like it [applies] for me too. Whenever I tore my ACL they were so kind to me. It helped me feel better. Last year's second game of football season was when I tore my ACL, and now I'm totally good. I mean, it definitely had setbacks, but I feel like I came back strong.” - Carson Rakers, 12](
Carson Rakers
Juliet Fotheringham, CJ1 Writer
• December 8, 2023
![“Try your hardest and don’t give up. My parents and friends inspire me the most. My friends keep me happy when I’m at school, and outside of school. My parents give me courage to work through problems and they teach me passion [along] with confidence in my life. There's definitely times when I need them, [but] there are also times when I need one more than the other. A time where I needed them [the] most was when my grandpa died. I needed my friends and family for different moments during that point in my life. I’d say it helped a lot [because] they showed me that they loved and cared for me. I’d like to think [that] I show my friends and family that I [also] care about them. I’m always there if they need to talk to me, and I try to never leave their side [because] you never know what someone is going through. You just have to be patient and [be] positive with people.” - Dylan Davies, 12](
Dylan Davies
Alyssa Gessner, Staff Writer
• November 29, 2023
![“I started playing basketball in first grade. I kind of played every sport when I was younger, but basketball has always been the one that stuck with me [for] the longest. Basketball is important to me because pretty much everyone in my family plays basketball, and overall, a very enjoyable sport. I’m definitely excited for basketball season. I’m hoping that we can have a pretty good team this year, win a lot of games, and have a lot of fun. My goal is to get into basketball coaching. A lot of my family is involved in that, and I think that it would be a great career for me. I really like to be a leader, and inspire people. I am really passionate about the game of basketball. Being a senior is so special because [I] get to be [a] leader [in] the school. [I] also get to help out the underclassmen, and it’s [my] last year here so I want to make the most of it, and really enjoy it. It feels great; I’m really happy that I made it through the first three years of high school and get to continue [to] further my education.” - Jamie Franciscus, 12](
Jamie Franciscus
Taylor Faintich, CJ1 Writer
• November 28, 2023