2023 Parkway Board Candidate Q&A
Claire Creely, Elizabeth Franklin, and Katie Wallace
• April 3, 2023
![Rallying across the street from the Parkway School Board Candidate Forum at the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis, Parkway students, parents and alumni share signs that address white supremacy on the Board of Education. Students also protested and talked to voters at polling sites April 3 to help spread their message. “At about eight different locations, [students] protested basically all day, holding up signs, talking to voters and making sure that they knew to make an informed decision,” senior Cheryl Ma said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/29683472_422410541516458_2732205528126631375_n-900x600.jpg)
Students stand up against school board candidate Jeanie Ames
Sabrina Bohn and Carly Anderson
• April 3, 2018
![Speaking about school safety at the League of Women Voters meeting March 12, candidate Amy Bonnett is running for one of the two open director positions on the Parkway School Board. All candidates, which includes Jeanie Ames, Matt Schindler, Jonathan Taylor, Kevin Seltzer and Bonnett answered audience questions at this forum. "I have always been a proud Parkway West alumna, and I care deeply about our schools and district," Bonnett said. "For the last three years, I have served as the [West Parent's Organization] President at Parkway West. Running for School Board is simply a natural extension of my service and enthusiasm for the district that has educated me and my children."](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/SCHOL-900x585.jpg)
6. Parkway Board of Education election brings controversy
Carly Anderson and Sabrina Bohn
• March 23, 2018

Meet the Parkway school board election candidates
Carly Anderson and Sabrina Bohn
• April 3, 2017