Spring has sprung playlist
Emma Caplinger, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• March 13, 2020
![Jamming out to “Don’t Stop” by DJ D-Sol, teachers Jeff Chazen, Jessica Wheeler and Katelyn Arenos get ready to ramp up the endorphins. When teacher Emily Lovercheck is not able to make it to the spin sessions, Arenos takes over leading the class with her playlist. “Music, especially with spinning, dictates how fast we go, if we add resistance [and] if we get a break. When the song speeds up, we speed up. When the song slows down, we slow down,” Arenos said. “I’m just really thankful that the school provides us with this opportunity to have a nice workout center. We are just thankful to have this space.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/TeacherSpin-900x622.jpg)
Spinning at school: Teachers jam out to hits as they get a workout in
Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• February 19, 2020
![Junior Arden Dickson acts out applying makeup onstage. Dickson believes that acting teaches you how to tell a story, which is also important for singing. This led her to create her blog where she shares her experiences with friends and family. “I have heard people [respond with] ‘thank you for sharing’ or ‘I have been in a similar situation myself,’ so it's good to hear that other people are also facing similar situations and that my work is helping others.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/IMG-3659-900x600.jpg)
Creating the blog “Good Song, Good Soul,” junior Arden Dickson shares lessons
Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• February 4, 2020

Full moon tunes
Emma Caplinger, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• September 24, 2019
![History teacher Aaron Bashirian plays a gig at a local fair in his hometown of Elroy, Wis. July 1998. “I would say [my music] is pop-y,” Bashirian said. “It’s a happy-go-lucky sort of pop. There are some rock elements to it but it really is just feel good, fun music.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Mr.-B-Photo-001-900x600.jpg)
The road not taken: Aaron Bashirian, rock star gone teacher
Peyton Gaskill, STAFF WRITER
• May 13, 2019

Choir director Eric Anthony sings “so long, farewell” to his time as an educator
Lydia Roseman, News and Sports Editor
• March 15, 2019
![Meeting her favorite band Waterparks, freshman Grace Eschbach takes full advantage of the VIP tickets her dad snatched up when they went on sale again. Waterparx decided to sell only ten more VIP passes before their concert after they sold out, and Eschbach and her father, as a result of quick thinking and collaboration, were able to buy the tickets. “It’s a surreal [experience] because [the artist is] a real person, and I can see them,” Eschbach said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ESCHBACHfinal-900x600.jpg)
Freshman Grace Eschbach feeds passion for music through concert-going experiences
Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• February 21, 2019

Junior Ryan Egan uses STEM courses to pursue a career in music
Lydia Roseman, News and Sports Editor
• January 23, 2019

Environmental Sustainability class puts on second successful benefit concert
• December 18, 2018

Top Seven Holiday Songs To Dance To This Season
Anna Pavlisin, STAFF WRITER
• December 14, 2018