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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


“V” Album Review

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief September 4, 2014
Developing potential for growth in a new sound.

Student Spotlight: Justin McDonald

Nathan Rands, Staff Writer September 3, 2014
Junior Justin McDonald shares his self-taught talent: playing the piano.

“Frozen” soundtrack review

Brittany Thompson, Staff Writer April 25, 2014

“Frozen”’s soundtrack is currently number one in album sales on iTunes, although it was released on Nov. 25. There were 130,000 copies sold the week of Apr. 13. The second song of the album, “Do...

American Music Awards Recap: Storify

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief November 25, 2013

Storify is a collection of online media used to cover a given event, namely, the American Music Awards. This storify contains a variety of tweets from different sources pertaining to the night. [View...