And the winner is…
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• November 22, 2024
![Striking a pose following their group dance, the 2024 Mr. Longhorn contestants welcome their audience to the show. Throughout the night, the nine competitors participated in an occupational section, skits for the talent portion and a fashion attire show before finalists were interviewed. “It's a fun time getting to hang out with my friends and doing [our] acts. I think I'm most excited for my performance with [seniors Bart Connors, Gavin Hamlin and Colin Hughes]. I like that I get to dance a little bit. I don't think I'm very good, but I'm gonna try my best to put on a show,” contestant and senior Henry Wild said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/DSC_9759-1200x798.jpg)
Meet the competition
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• November 21, 2024
![Kicking off dress rehearsal, Mr. Longhorn contestant and senior Carson Hughes goes over the group routine alongside other competitors. With just two days of practice, all participants learned the entirety of their introductory dance, chose an occupation to embody and crafted skits for the show. “The best part of this [whole thing] was learning the dance and just practicing with the guys. We [have to] try not to laugh the whole time, but we're having a lot of fun,” Hughes said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_5112-1-e1732164157549-1200x812.jpg)
A tradition almost lost
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• November 20, 2024

The finale: senior Cameron Hickert wins Mr. Longhorn 2023
Serena Liu and Elizabeth Franklin
• November 24, 2023
![The senior boys dress in suits and jerseys to cheer on the Powder Puff competitors. Senior Derrien Gatchel initiated the suit trend last Powder Puff season. “The thought process was [to pretend we were dressing for] a business trip. Since we won last year, we had to do it again this year,” Gatchel said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/unnamed-56.jpg)
Halfway There!
Makinsey Drake, Staff Writer
• January 19, 2023
![Sitting on fellow contestants’ shoulders, senior Christian Fleming celebrates his victory. Fleming was crowned “Mr. Longhorn” after a display of his occupation, talent and formal attire. “I really wasn’t [expecting to win]. I was just excited to come out on top. All the guys did phenomenally,” Fleming said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/unnamed-11.png)
A night like no other
Emily Early, Serena Liu, and Elizabeth Franklin
• November 22, 2022
![Moving and grooving, senior Jack Goedde dances with the other Mr. Longhorn contestants in their opening act. Seniors and Poms captains Kelsea Wilson and Cameron Chandler choreographed the dances performed throughout the night. “Being able to have a special event for all of the senior guys makes it more fun. All the guys were bad at dancing, including myself, which made us laugh. [Mr. Longhorn] gives us a memory for the rest of our lives.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Jack-G.jpeg)
Longhorn seniors, let’s act!
Addie Gleason and Elle Rotter
• November 19, 2022
![Seniors Alex Spangler, Joseph Grove and Tre Bell practice their choreography for Mr. Longhorn Friday, Nov. 19. Senior boys competed for the title of Mr. Longhorn in a beauty-pageant style competition which included learning choreography for dance numbers. “Being a part of Mr. Longhorn was a fun experience. [I] was able to hang out with all the guys and learn the dance, which was fun. At first, we sucked at the dance, we were terrible, but by the end we finally got it,” Grove said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/DSC_8503-900x600.jpg)
Photo of the Week – Nov. 19
Madi Michajiliczenko, Staff Writer
• November 19, 2021

Senior boys compete for the 2020 Mr. Longhorn crown
Nayeon Ryu, Video Editor
• February 28, 2020