![“When I first started [Speech and Debate], I struggled with competing, finding time for it [and] managing my time. I focused so much on the competition aspect and trying to win tournaments, that I kept overlooking the parts like building connections with people, [and] making friends. I would stress myself out. I started planning my time for when I could do things. Practicing more helped, because the more I practiced, the better I got in competition. It didn't seem as scary or as hard as it was before. When I first started, the whole thing about debate is that you're not always going to win, and there's a lot of people that wish they were in your position just winning one time. It's best not to focus on that, and to focus on if you're improving from last time.” - Ryan Shabani, 11](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/unnamed-2-1200x800.jpg)
Ryan Shabani
Yusra Khan, Staff Writer
• December 16, 2024

Meet the court
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• September 28, 2024
![“It’s my third year and fifth season of doing color guard. My mom did it when she was in high school and college, so I’ve always wanted to do it too. It's definitely [a team and individual sport] because you have parts that have to [be cohesive and] perfect. You could be [fine] on your own, but if you're not working together, you're not going to do well. When I'm standing [on the turf] about to perform I go over counts and [memorize] tricky parts in my head, and before we go on, we always practice as a group and individually. [The only way to improve is to] practice, because if there's a toss, trick or part of the work that [I] don't know, there's nothing [I] can do except [to] ask for help and practice until [I] get it right. I like the team aspect of it, even more than I like the performance because [there is] such an [amazing] group of people and without them, it wouldn’t be as fun.” - Victoria Gold, 11](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/DSC_0224-Diana-Chocheva-1200x800.jpg)
Victoria Gold
Diana Chocheva, Yearbook Contributor
• September 10, 2024
![Prior to their State final round, A Team ran into Mo the mascot, smiling for a picture. With half of A Team graduating this year, senior Owen Arneson hopes that their State title will attract more people to the program. “No matter what you show up there to do, as long as you have a positive attitude and have a good time, [you’ll] be fine because you can compete as seriously or casually as you want,” Arneson said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Its-MO-900x675.jpeg)
The road to victory: Scholar Bowl clinches their first-ever state title one buzz at a time
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• June 2, 2023

“Bejeweled” bops: Parkway West’s favorite Taylor Swift songs that we know “All Too Well”
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• May 30, 2023
![Learning the chemistry behind how popcorn pops, juniors Talie Seers and Nykira Johnson use a beaker clamp to shake a beaker full of popcorn kernels and cover the beaker with a sheet of mesh. The lab helped Seers better understand the kinetic molecular theory concept. “My favorite part [of the class] is how Mrs. Robert leads the class. We get to do labs pretty often which helps me understand the material more and it all ties into what we were learning,” Seers said. “The hardest part was being impatient and waiting for the popcorn to pop and see if we actually did [the lab] right.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2130/03/DSC_0189-1-copy-900x600.jpg)
Photo of the Week – March 3
Elle Rotter, Deputy Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• March 3, 2023
![“My fifth-grade teacher Mrs. Hartman impacted me growing up. She was the only person that actually believed in me, and she gave me the courage to do what I do now. I believed in myself [because of her], I felt like I never believed in myself or I wasn't capable of doing anything, but she made me feel like I could do anything in the world. With what I've been through and how I think about things, a lot of people didn’t understand me as a person. But I feel like she understood where I was coming from and the things that I was going through. My mom has gone through the struggle, and I look up to all the things that she went through growing up. People always ask me what my goals are, but I don’t believe in goals, because that's one way of failing. What if I could do more than just achieve that one goal that I set out to do? I’m gonna set objectives. What I say is what I'm gonna do, and I'm not going halfway in life,” - Trenton Livingston, 11](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/DSC_0001-900x600.jpg)
Trenton Livingston
Lia Emry, Staff Writer
• February 23, 2023
![Adding a base to their acidic liquid to complete a titration, juniors Mazz Siddiqui and Sofia Wu successfully neutralized the liquid. They did the math to find the molarity of the mixture. “The labs were the most interesting [part of chemistry] because I stood up and did something innovative,” Wu said. “The math [was sometimes challenging because it] needed to be correct in a chain reaction; you needed the first question to be right to do the next one right.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image1-900x600.jpg)
Photo of the Week – Feb. 10
Elle Rotter, Deputy Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• February 10, 2023