Special education students coast through communication skills
Sara Albarcha, Staff Writer
• May 14, 2021

Getting busy-ness: Students share their entrepreneurial pursuits
Hannah Choi, Staff Writer
• October 28, 2020
![Beginning his private chef business, alumnus Andrew Peterson decided to create a website to promote. Although the website makes marketing easier, Peterson has noticed that his business has been primarily popularized due to word of mouth. “Just over winter break, I did a dinner for a buddy, and his dad is a photographer, so he took a bunch of pictures for my website,” Peterson said. “It is really just people's word. It is like when you’re going to Amazon, and you see that one of the things has one five star review, but then another one has four hundred 4 star reviews. It is the same deal. [The food] is only as good as the people that are reviewing your food says it is.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/andrew.jpg)
Alumnus Andrew Peterson begins new business as a private chef
Zoe DeYoung, Staff Writer
• February 28, 2020
![Marks and Crawford pose for a group photo along with other students that attended the Olin Future Women In Business weekend. Before attending, Crawford planned to go into the medical field, but now feels suited for a business career. “I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go into business. It [the event] opened my eyes, and this is something I’m really interested in now,” Crawford said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/image-900x643.png)
Juniors Lauren Crawford and Sara Marks attend Olin Future Women in Business Weekend
Leah Schroeder, Managing Editor-in-Chief
• November 15, 2019
![Business teacher Laura Glenn helps junior Walker Piles with an assignment in class. Throughout her time of teaching, Glenn has taught Accounting, Web Design and Intro to Computer Science and Technology. “The thing I’ll miss the most is working with students and sharing knowledge with them,” Glenn said. “[It’s] really exciting to see how just a little bit of what I might’ve introduced them to here has turned into a career for them and something that they are excited about.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/DSC_0375-900x600.jpg)
Business teacher Laura Glenn finds her ‘interest’ in retirement
Ridwan Oyebamiji, Features Section Editor
• April 18, 2019

Sophomore Ismail Hacking clocks high earnings selling brand-name shoes
• January 25, 2018

Junior Gokul Venkatachalam chases his dream of being an entrepreneur
• January 22, 2018
![Reviewing the marketing research survey, senior Blakely Gibeaut looks at the data to determine the student run coffee shop name. A school wide survey concluded that 32 percent of students were interested in working at BlueBrew. “I think it [the coffee shop] will be a good way for students to get involved at school and it provides a way for people to get real life work experience,” Terry said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/DSC_0006-copy-900x600.jpg)
Business department moves forward in coffee shop plans with BlueBrew soft opening
• December 21, 2017

Getting to know business teacher Holly Weber
• September 29, 2017