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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Parkway West Jazz Choir

Jazz Choir launches fundraising campaign

Bayleigh Williams, Staff Writer April 23, 2015
The Jazz Choir wants to record their songs and make a music video professionally, but there's one thing standing in their way: they need $2,000.
Filling his water bottle before track practice, sophomore Grant Aden dares to drink the red-filtered water. Aden brings his reusable water bottle to school every day. "I don't really care, I'm pretty sure it just filters out iron and stuff," Aden said.

Filter status: red

Bayleigh Williams, Staff Writer April 23, 2015
There must be something in the water... Or is there?
Junior Emily Wind pies Kristen Collins in the face for Cash for Cancer.

Paying it forward with pie

Vaishal Shah, Staff Writer April 23, 2015
Teachers take on pie-wielding students for kids with cancer.
Living his mother's legacy

Living his mother’s legacy

Kyla Hatton, Sports Editor April 20, 2015
Senior Shawn Morgan reflects on his mother's life and her effect on his life.
Jalen Burgess

Most eligible prom dates

Rachel Ellis, Staff Writer April 16, 2015
Parkway West's most eligible young men spill all in an effort to win over the perfect date.
Christopher Narishkin lights the red, white and blue candles to symbolize what he will do to honor his expectations as an Eagle Scout.

Christopher Narishkin earns his Eagle Scout rank

Rachel Ellis, Staff Writer April 14, 2015

Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable for Boy Scouts of America. Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million young men and although they are typically...

Baseball aims to strike out Parkway Central

Bobby Connor, Staff Writer April 10, 2015
The varsity baseball team takes on Central at Ballwin on April 10.
Season six of "Downton Abbey" will return to PBS in Jan. of 2016.

Wrapping up “Downton Abbey”

Sohia McMorrow, Staff Writer April 9, 2015
Season six will be the final season of "Downton Abbey," and fans are wondering how the hit TV show will be able to wrap up all the drama in one season.

Colleges offer tuition-free education

Macky Kavanaugh, Staff Writer April 8, 2015

According to College Board, the average student spends a mean of $22,958 on out-of-state public colleges, or $9,139 on in-state tuition. Though in-state tuition is significantly less than out-of-state...

Theatre educator and director Amie Gossett, a passionate advocate for Autism Awareness, places "Light it Up Blue" posters around the school.

“Lighting it Up Blue” in Celebration of World Autism Day

Betsy Wait, MANAGING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF April 2, 2015
Light it up blue!