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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Newly discovered planets could host life

Kathryn Hunter May 9, 2013

One week ago, NASA announced that their Kepler satellite had found two habitable worlds outside of Earth's constellation--more than 1,200 light years away.  The satellite, launched in 2009, has a goal...

The first song was Afternoon Delight, sung by seniors Curtis Smith, Grant Post, Nick Pinilla, John Pappas, Sam Stroncek ,and Daniel Kim. " I thought that they did a great job making the show something fun to watch. They are awesome performers," senior Zoe Gnaedinger said.

Concert Choir Singer’s Choice entertains audience

George Krachenfels, Managing Editor May 9, 2013

On Monday May 6, the Concert Choir held their Singer's Choice concert in the theatre at 7:30 p.m.  The concert allowed members of the Concert Choir to preform a song of their choice to celebrate the ending...

Track team banned after athlete gives thanks to God

Shane Frazier, New's Writer May 8, 2013

It's a very common gesture in sports. We see it when the wide receiver catches a huge catch, the first baseman hits a walk-off home run to win the game, or after the point guard hits the game winning three...

Varsity, JV soccer volunteer for SPENSA

George Krachenfels, Managing Editor May 6, 2013

On Saturday May 4, the Varsity and JV soccer teams volunteered for The Special Needs Soccer Association (SPENSA). "We helped kids play soccer, and hung out with all these kids, and we all had a lot...

The Parkway West Debate Team, including 10 debaters that will be attending the National Debate Tournament in Indianapolis, Indiana this June.

Debate team heads to nationals

Shane Frazier, New's Writer April 25, 2013

Keeping up with tradition, the Parkway West Debate team will head to Debate Nationals in Indianapolis, Indiana this summer. "We did really well last year and we hope to do well again," junior Sarah...

Senior portraits provide an opportunity to help the community

Senior portraits provide an opportunity to help the community

Debra Klevens, Guest Reporter April 23, 2013

In 2012, Prestige Portraits, the senior division of Lifetouch began their first annual canned food drive reducing session pricing to support the Circle of Concern and Oasis Food Pantries. “Lifetouch...

Senior Katherine Young performing her poem in front of a large audience.

Slam Poetry!

Austin Oakes, Opinions Editor April 22, 2013

The Parkway West High School Poetry Slam was held on April 18 at 2:30 p.m. in the library. There were 26 participants, with 16 of them coming from the original poetry category and 10 coming from the...

Administration proposes graduation changes

Susie Watson, Editor in Chief April 22, 2013

Over the month of April, administration asked that students, parents and teachers vote on whether or not to change the dates of graduation. “I proposed the idea because I was getting calls from parents...

Justice for Guatemala genocide victims

Kathryn Hunter, Staff Reporter April 22, 2013

For the last month, Guatemala has been holding trial for war crimes committed in the 1980’s, to determine if genocide was performed.  On trial is Jose Efrain Rios Montt, an ex-military dictator.  He...

Gay marriage: the fight for equality

Gay marriage: the fight for equality

Alex Ripper, Staff writer April 19, 2013

The United States Supreme Court is currently ruling on one of the most controversial cases of our time: the legalization of gay marriage. In 2008, California passed Proposition 8, an amendment to their...