Posing next to rose quartz, an amethyst necklace, jade figures and other crystals, senior Bibi St. Clair shows off her crystal collection.
Bibi St. Clair
Crystal aficionado and senior Bibi St. Clair has been collecting crystals since her freshman year. She has various types, colors and textures.
St. Clair believes each crystal has a different healing property when appropriately charged. Some crystals can be charged by putting them in the sunlight, but she has to be careful because some are known to explode. Charging crystals helps to enhance their properties and make them more effective.
“I was very skeptical at first. I’m the type of person [who has] to see something to believe it, or it has been scientifically proven. So, I was very skeptical [of] crystals, but I was so interested in crystals, I just kept [them] around. Amethyst is a calming crystal, so I kept it on me, and I’ve always felt calmer when it was on me,” St. Clair said.
St. Clair believes it is important to note that humans and crystals are on wavelengths. It is important to only get crystals that match your wavelength and make you feel good.
“People are on certain wavelengths, and so are crystals. Sometimes, crystals do not vibe with you. With me, it causes headaches. Orange Citrine does not like me. I have no idea why. But maybe I just don’t need it,” St. Clair said.
One of her favorite crystals is rose quartz.
“I collect rose quartz a lot. Rose quartz helps with relationships and love. I [have] had it for years, and I do like what it is. It’s like a common chronic crystal [and] it helps you calm down,” St. Clair said.
St. Clair got into crystals because her sister gave her some rose quartz.
“Around the time, I was not in the best relationships with friends. I distanced myself from those friends and got new ones. I have great friends now. Overtime [I have] not needed rose quartz because my relationships, love and self-love get better,” St. Clair said.