Jelly Belly’s Valentine’s Day jellybean box include 10 different flavors.
Bamboozled beans
This collaged box of warm colors and Valentine’s day themed clipart includes 10 colorful, heartwarming flavors of gourmet jelly beans, appealing to a sugar connoisseur. We were immediately taken by the extravagant and heart-touching packaging when reviewing this box. Inside the box, the jelly beans were neatly divided into sections, separating the colored beans into a logical eating order. The bottom of the lid included a reference for the flavors, which was very helpful to the leader.
The Candy:
Flavors in this box ranged from bubble gum, vanilla, cream soda, very cherry and cotton candy. These flavors blessed our tongues, making our jellybean experience quite impactful. On the other hand, red apple, strawberry cheesecake, chocolate pudding, champagne and cinnamon had surprising and avoidable tastes. None of these candies had a poignant smell, but each had a distinct and memorable flavor. Our favorite flavor was the vanilla jelly bean because of its pearlescent color and accurate flavor.
The Rating:
The price was not worth it. Priced a $6.99, these candies were avoidable. Overall, we’d give this sweet and chewy treat 5.5/10. Don’t be bamboozled by the box’s playful exterior.