Junior Mallory Bricker is a first-year competitor for competitive speech and debate. Bricker would give one of her favorite pieces of advice to all debaters. “Never feel like your opponent is smarter than you and that everything they’re saying is correct because they could be just as nervous as you,” Bricker said.
Mallory Bricker
Junior Mallory Bricker is a first-year novice debater for Public Forum. Bricker took a debate course sophomore year and enjoyed the class, so she joined the team the following year.
“When I first started, I was nervous, so I wanted a partner I could debate within the tournaments. [Junior Maddie Hodge] was interested in it too, and we work well together and are very similar, so I took on the role with her at my first competition,” Bricker said.
Despite her time preparing and practicing in class, Bricker faced challenges before her first debate.
“Going against people you feel are more knowledgeable than yourself is the worst. You never know what your opponents are thinking or are going to throw at you. Especially your first time, you don’t want to seem scared when having to come up with reasoning and logic on the spot during your rounds. It’s terrifying, but it’s fun to experience,” Bricker said.
Although she did not get the results she hoped for, Bricker took her experience as a win rather than a loss.
“At my first competition, [Hodge] and I almost placed. Even though we were one place away from placing, it was our first time, and we won the majority of the rounds. It was such a fun experience. I feel I’m more knowledgeable on how topic debating works and why we have discussions on them,” Bricker said. “I’ve become more outspoken and verbal about my opinions, which allowed me to get my point across but also actually listen to others’ opinions on topics. It’s important to have conversations about the topics and have organized discussions for better understanding and more practice. Practice gives me the ability to know how I want to present myself and my argument when competing. It takes a load of fear off your shoulders.”