Sophomore McKinlay Loveless
McKinlay Loveless
Name: McKinlay Loveless
Grade: Sophomore
Role: Sophomore Vice-President
Why did you join the Longhorn Council?
I wanted to be more involved in the school. I didn’t know what events were going on or what was happening within the school, and I wanted to be more involved and part of the decision-making. So, I wanted to join LoCo to be able to do that.
What event are you most looking forward to planning?
Probably Homecoming because it was super fun last year, and I’m excited to be able to have more input on what happens.
What extracurriculars are you involved in?
I play JV tennis, am a member of Women of West, Thirst Project, Key club and [I] plan to do NHS!
What is your favorite TV show?
I’m a huge “Gilmore Girls” fan. I love it. I’m on season one, but it’s so good.
Who is your favorite musician?
I’ve been listening to Rex Orange County, and I liked it.
What are you the most passionate about?
I am passionate about having strong relationships. My family and I are super close. My friends and I are close. It’s important that everyone feels like they belong in the school.
What is something the Student Body should know about you?
Reach out to me because I’m very willing to help anyone who needs it.