Senior Paige Wehrmeister
Paige Wehrmeister
Senior Paige Wehrmeister strives to try new things and have fun in high school. Wehrmeister knows it is important to challenge herself while still accepting that trying her best might not always get her a perfect grade.
“When I was a freshman, I thought high school was all about going to class and getting good grades. Over time though, my view changed a lot. Sometimes my best is a B and that’s okay,” Wehrmeister said. “My biggest challenge was mostly myself and getting through mental blocks.”
Wehrmeister cherishes her time spent in high school with her older sister. They were able to have fun enjoying high school together and take away some of the pressure to always get good grades.
“Inside the classroom I’ve learned to love a challenge and enjoy the process, but sometimes you need to take a mental health day,” Wehrmeister said. “I would tell my freshman self to not stress so much because everything is going to turn out okay in the end.”