Senior Ella Roesch
Ella Roesch
Senior Ella Roesch found a supportive figure and role model in her mom. From her soccer career to self discovery, Roesch’s mom was there for her entire high school experience.
“High school has probably been the biggest changing point [in my relationship with my mom]. We’ve gotten extremely close throughout the years of high school. I’d consider her one of my best friends and I tell her everything. Going into high school, I barely told her anything,” Roesch said.
After a few rough middle school years, Roesch says she needed the transition to high school as a fresh start. Over summer before freshman year, Roesch made an effort to find new friends due to losing other friends.
“My high school experience most definitely made me a better person. I used to have a pretty big ego, I would say. I got put in my place pretty early, so it humbled me a lot,” Roesch said. “[To my freshman self], I would say you’re not as cool as you think you are. Always work hard. You’ll get what you want if you work hard and put the energy into doing it.”