Senior Amber Vogelgesang
Amber Vogelgesang
Between school, volleyball, work and friendships, senior Amber Vogelgesang is constantly engaged in the high school scene. In order to make up for lost time due to COVID-19, Vogelgesang is making it her personal mission to attend every football game, school dance, senior activity and go all out for spirit week.
Vogelgesang hopes to graduate without regrets and make the most of her high school experience. Through it all, Vogelgesang’s mom has been there for her.
“[My mom] continues to be by my side through everything. She’s my biggest fan and comes to every volleyball game. She’s always willing to help out whenever I need her, whether it’s making my lunch, helping apply to colleges, helping with homework or when I need someone to talk to,” Vogelgesang said.
After watching the past graduating classes experience an atypical senior year, Vogelgesang was fearful the same thing would happen to her. Now that school is back in person, Vogelgesang makes sure to get the absolute most out of her last year of high school.
“High school has taught me many things. I’ve learned to appreciate everything that I’m able to do, and I’ve taken every opportunity that has been given to me,” Vogelgesang said. “I would tell my freshman self to do as much as she can and appreciate every opportunity she gets. As she gets older she’ll realize that anything can change and the opportunities that she had yesterday may no longer be there. It’s best to do too much and look back without any regrets, rather than not participate in enough.”