Junior Harper Dollarhide reads in English teacher Erin Fluchel’s Honors English II.
Harper Dollarhide
Junior Harper Dollarhide spends her eighth-hour cadet teaching for one of her past favorite classes: English teacher Erin Fluchel’s Honors English II. She found that the cadet teaching program not only fulfilled the service hours required for the A+ program but also gave her a chance to experience the class from a different point of view. On top of typical cadet teaching duties, Dollarhide has found herself acting, sword fighting and playing games on Fridays.
What is your favorite thing about cadet teaching?
“My favorite thing about cadet teaching is getting to share my love of the class. I’m sure that not everyone enjoys English as much as I do, but naturally, when you love something you want others to love it too. I love discussing books and even giving feedback on papers,” Dollarhide said.
What is your least favorite thing about cadet teaching?
“Cadet teaching can feel a little awkward at times, only because you’re a part of the class, but not a part of it like you would be if you were taking the class,” Dollarhide said. “I don’t know the kids as well, and it’s hard to decide where you fit between classmate, tutor, paper editor and teacher’s assistant.”
What is your favorite memory from cadet teaching?
“I’ve only been cadet teaching for the four weeks we’ve been in this quarter, but so far my favorite memory has been the Friday game days. For the last 15 minutes of class on Fridays, we play a whole class game, such as Taboo or Catch Phrase. It’s something that’s just a lot of fun and not unique to cadet teaching, but I still enjoy it,” Dollarhide said.
Would you recommend cadet teaching to other students?
“I would definitely recommend it, especially if you have a class that you love. It allows you to experience the class from a different perspective, and hopefully help other people to love the class as well,” Dollarhide said.