Junior Graci Badami completes a lab in Chemistry alongside science teacher Allison Privitt.
Graci Badami
After realizing she had a study hall she didn’t need, junior Graci Badami wanted to find another way to spend her hour. Her choice: expanding her love for science by cadet teaching for science teachers Allison Privitt and Amy Van Matre-Woodward. Badami helps set up, take down and get information for virtual students from labs.
What is your favorite thing about cadet teaching?
“[My favorite thing about cadet teaching is] the atmosphere. It’s fun having the teachers rely on you and being able to give out advice about the content, but also about whatever else they are talking about. Third-quarter, I taught for Ms. V’s freshman Honors Physics class and it was so much fun to be able to offer advice about registration, futures and other extracurriculars,” Badami said.
What is your favorite memory from cadet teaching?
“My favorite memory would probably be doing a lab for the Zoom kids. [While] trying to also get them a good angle on my phone so they could see, [I] accidentally touched my finger on the hot plate. It wasn’t that fun, but it was definitely funny and something to remember,” Badami said.
Would you recommend cadet teaching to other students?
“I would definitely recommend cadet teaching. It’s way less boring than a study hall because you get to interact with the teacher, students and not be sitting doing homework the whole time. It gives me a break in between my studies to move around and do something, so I use my time more wisely,” Badami said.