Junior Jordan Ingrham poses for a picture wearing her mask.
Jordan Ingrham
Junior Jordan Ingrham was born with the rare condition Goldenhar syndrome, impacting her ability to breathe due to a deformed skull and her ability to communicate. Ingrham has endured more than 20 surgeries throughout her life and relies on her interpreter, family members, and friends who know sign language in order to communicate with others.
“I rely about 40% on communication on lipreading and now everyone’s mouth [is] covered. I find it nearly impossible to communicate with others without notes or [an] interpreter present,” Ingrham said.
Outside of school, Ingrham has faced challenges in communicating with those who do not know about her disability.
“Some people look at me shocked when I try to shop at the mall with my friends or when others try to talk to me and I don’t know what they are saying and try to tell them. When they understand I can’t hear, they walk away to ask other people,” Ingrham said.
Ingrham has attempted to spread awareness on the effects of masks on students who are deaf or hard of hearing by encouraging others to wear clear masks.
“I feel wonderful knowing that I am actually trying to improve communication ways for many deaf people out there,” Ingrham said. “I [have] tried to encourage interpreters and teachers to wear clear masks to help deaf people be able to read lips even if their lipreading isn’t much help, but it’s really helpful in these situations.”