Freshman Rahma Salem completes an assignment for her Spanish class.
Rahma Salem
“[The transition] was fine, but it was a little bit confusing because it’s different than how you’d normally start high school,” freshman Rahma Salem said. “It’s still different because I don’t know anyone there except teachers.”
Salem’s adjustments were layered: coming to a new district, new virtual system and new level of schooling. But Salem feels that the workload was what she expected and has been pretty manageable. Most of her inconveniences have stemmed from technology.
“One thing that would improve online school would be having better Wi-Fi. It would make everything much easier for me just because sometimes I would be in class and my internet would suddenly disconnect,” Salem said. “Sometimes my computer would shut down or the screen would freeze out of nowhere, but it’s getting better.”
Opting to stay virtual for this whole school year, Salem is making the best of her situation.
“I’ve definitely found many benefits of staying home,” Salem said. “I don’t feel that pressured, and I get to rest during my breaks which is great.”