Keeping the facade of the school groomed, grounds worker Jim Mayfield mows the lawns and maintains the outdoor facilities.
Jim Mayfield
Jim Mayfield, Grounds Worker
Grounds worker Jim Mayfield joined the staff from Pierremont Elementary to manage and take care of landscaping. Making the switch to high school, Mayfield enjoys building connections with coaches and athletes.
“I know a lot of the football players. [They] really appreciate all that [we] do for them and I try to work closely with the coaches and see if there’s anything that they need that I can do extra,” Mayfield said.
Mayfield’s favorite sport is football, which is why he works so closely with the football team.
“I played [football] in high school,” Mayfield said. “I liked the competition. Now [I enjoy] watching the Longhorn practices, NFL games and participating in fantasy football.”
However, Mayfield’s favorite part of the job is seeing the progress and completion of specific jobs.
“When I finish an area, I just take pride in what I do, it’s the satisfaction of having the campus look good for others,” Mayfield said.
Mayfield’s additional interests include spending time with his family, especially his granddaughter Reese and his grandson Finn, whom Mayfield is thankful to live just two houses down the street from.
“Most evenings when I get home from work, I will bring [Reese] back to our house. We will play with her toys and read her books. Most of the time I am chasing her around,” Mayfield said. “My daughter has been very cautious with others being around. So we try [to] limit our exposure to others.”
When not with his grandchildren, Mayfield enjoys fishing with his son and father-in-law at Mark Twain Lake or the Lake of the Ozarks.
“We just bought a new fishing boat over the summer, [but] we have had better luck catching fish by trolling on my father-in-law’s pontoon boat. We catch mostly crappie, with the occasional bass, catfish or walleye,” Mayfield said.