24 hours of quarantine
May 22, 2020
Daily routines have changed with the pandemic as there are few requirements to hold students accountable. Getting out of bed in the morning depends on whether you have a required Zoom call. With so much added time, and less after school commitments, the pandemic has provided students the opportunity to explore new hobbies to avoid boredom. Twelve students share a day in their quarantine experience.
1:04 a.m.

Working her masterpiece, using acrylic paints and other materials for a project in Ceramics 1 class, junior Rileigh Leslie uses her creative outlet to complete her project. Leslie believed late nights were where her creativity was best found. “No matter what mood I [was] in before, art just cleared my head,” Leslie said.
6:52 a.m.
8:46 a.m.

Freshman Victoria Neeser starts off her morning with a homemade smoothie made with strawberries, pineapple and Chobani yogurt. She liked smoothies because they helped boost her mindset. “Eating healthier made me feel more energized for the day and it put me in [a] better mood,” Neeser said.
9:27 a.m.

After a morning of sleeping in, eating breakfast and starting school work, freshman Gabi Badami gets ready for her day. Badami, like other students, struggled to find motivation to do her work but getting ready for the day helped her create a normal routine. “When I get ready in the morning I do feel like I am doing something normal,” Badami said. “Putting on mascara on is something I do everyday for school so putting it on now makes me feel normal.”
10:52 a.m.

Senior Emily Lofgren continues to work at Smoothie King working more often than usual. Working six days a week, Lofgren prefered to work morning shifts starting at 8:30 a.m. “Even though I am not that much of a morning person, I like it because it makes me feel like a more productive person because I’m doing something instead of just sleeping, which is what I do when I have a later shift,” Lofgren said.
2:03 p.m.

With a view of the outdoors from her living room and a drink by her side, junior Kyra DeBauch tackles her eLearning for the day. When she needed a break, DeBauch worked on a family puzzle instead of scrolling through social media. “Working on the puzzle helped me feel relaxed and calm,” DeBauch said. “It’s a nice activity especially when we just want to stay in.”
3:49 p.m.

Sophomore Piper Brown and her dog, Emmy Lou, take a stroll around the neighborhood, sometimes joined by the rest of her family. Brown liked walking her dog because she felt happy and refreshed afterwards. “[Getting this time] helped me bond with my family because usually during the school year we don’t get to do anything fun together so whenever we go on walks, it’s a good time for everyone,” Brown said.
4:22 p.m.

Freshman Allie VanCleve and her friends try on different hats during a Zoom call while talking about their quarantine lives. VanCleve woke up early to finish her school work for the day so she could talk to her friends. “It’s fun because I am an extrovert and this has been hard, [so] just seeing my friends a couple times a day helps this situation feel a bit more normal,” VanCleve said.
6:36 p.m.

Freshman Anna Matthys-Pearce and her family spend time together every night in quarantine since they have not been able to in the past due to sports schedules. Getting to spend this time with family lifted her mood and boosted her positivity. “[Because of] the stay-at-home order, we had family dinners almost every night and we went on family hikes at least once a week,” Matthys-Pearce said.
8:02 p.m.

Junior Olivia Zerega helps her six-year-old brother Alex read books before his bedtime. They enjoyed some of Olivia’s favorite books from her childhood like the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series. “Our bond is very fun, we do a lot of fun things together,” Zerega said. “[Reading] brings another, more relaxing aspect, versus playing outside. We get to sit down and put our minds together.”
10:13 p.m.

After a long day of eLearning, freshman Cal Turin ends his day with a few hours of video games. Turin as well as other students found eLearning stressful, so Turin played video games to relieve this stress, and talked to his friends through a party chat. “When I’m in a bad mood it cheered me up because I got the boys to cheer [me] up,” Turin said.
Alina Dunder • Jun 13, 2020 at 5:20 am
I’m definitely also a gamer all the way to release stress during quarantine. I’ve actually started streaming as well and it has been going really well! Gaming with the boys (and girls) is always a great way to relax.