1. Pathfinder: Where did you go to high school?
Nancy Sachtleben: I went to Parkway West High School.
2. How was high school similar/different to high school now?

It was the same high school but is a little more diverse than what we were.
3. What year did you graduate?
I graduated in 1980.
4. Were you involved in any sports or clubs? What did you like about it?
We had a Pep club that I would participate in and helped with Homecoming. I also ran Track back then. I liked that I got to meet different people and felt a sense of community and a lot more pride.
5. What were your favorite and least favorite subjects in high school? Why?
My least favorite subject was lunch because there were separate lunch periods and I didn’t sit with my friends. My favorite subjects were Social Studies because it was interesting, and Math because it was fun.
6. How would your peers describe you in high school?
I was pretty different. In some classes, I was pretty shy, I didn’t say a whole lot and I was also a class clown, so it just depends on which class they were with me. But for the most part, I think I was friendly and easygoing.
7. How would your teachers describe you in high school?
They would say that I was fun, carefree, and yet a hard worker.
8. Did you have an after school job? If so, what is it?
No. But I started working at Wehrenberg Theatres in the summer.
9. What did you do at your job?
I made popcorn and worked in the concession stand in Des Peres Cinema.
10. How much did you make in an hour?
I made right around $2.00 an hour.
11. What type of car did you drive?
I drove a Chevy Impala. It was 4-door and hemi from my mom.
12. Did you buy it yourself? If not, who bought it for you?
I did not buy it myself. But my parents gave it to me when they got a different car.
13. Describe what it looked like.
It was columbia blue, had a fake look in texture top on it for part of it. In the day, it was pretty stylish.
What is your craziest driving moment?
We were shifting gears down Manchester Road in my friend’s Volkswagen. She taught me how to drive a stick shift and then we took off nice, fast and shifted correctly.