Flannel Friday, Chaco Tuesday, PINK hoodies, UGGs — these are all popular trends that embody students’ efforts to conform to the social norm of “what’s in.” Some students, however, like junior Remi Aalfs, create trends by breaking trends.
With blazing red hair and maybe a pair of knee socks, Aalfs sports dresses or a skirt most days of the week, even as her peers stick to yoga pants and the occasional pair of jeans.
“I used to dress in more jeans and comfortable clothing in middle school,” Aalfs said. “Freshman year I started discovering that I liked wearing dresses and that kind of thing.”
To find much of her unique clothing, Aalfs looks to inspiration from social media and online stores.
“I really like some people on Tumblr and people I follow on Instagram, like this model Joanna Kuchta,” Aalfs said. “It’s really cute and I enjoy seeing her post about it.”

Aalfs sports winged eyeliner in an Instagram selfie.
Despite her affinity for dresses and skirts, Aalfs also values comfort and practicality. She is also not opposed to the concept of trends themselves, if she likes the fashion.
“A big trend right now that I like are the babydoll dresses from American Apparel because they are super comfortable and I love how they look,” Aalfs said.
While Aalfs’ fashion may help her to stand out as an individual, her brother senior Spencer Aalfs, lends contrast to her style as a practically-dressed cross-country runner.
“I usually leave the dressing up to Remi,” Spencer said.
Remi’s fashion is more than just clothing too. A signature elements of the junior’s style is her bold winged eyeliner.
“I used to not put any effort into my makeup, and then I saw some of my friends and my friends’ sisters and other older people around me doing it, so I got really interested in it,” Remi said. “I looked up tutorials on YouTube, and then when people started complimenting it, I started practicing it more.”
Spencer says Remi’s fashion is more than a hobby.
“I think it looks unique and colorful,” Spencer said. “It represents her desire to stand out and be herself, and shows everyone else that as well.”