Vineyard Vine and Southern Tide have new competition: Vineyard Tide. Senior Matt Hall and junior Alex Karrenbrock got together in middle of the summer and started designing shirts. They brainstormed ideas for days before coming up with the final product.
“I came up with the logo idea and design, but Matt was the one that actually hand drew it, so it’s unique to just our shirts,” Karrenbrock said.
Their goal for starting their business was to sell the shirts for a profit. When Hall and Karrenbrock first got together, Hall’s thoughts to Karrenbrock were “Dude, how can we get rich?”
All the shirts are made off the web site They work closely with the website to negotiate and make deals.
“When the first order of shirts came in, the website had messed up the logo, making them hot pink whales instead of light pink. This was hard to deal with because everyone who bought a shirt had already been waiting for so long to get it,” Hall said, “but once everyone got their shirts it was so cool to see everyone at school wearing them.”
Along with designing the shirts, Hall and Karrenbrock figure out what shirts, colors and sizes are available to sell. Once they are sold, Hall and Karrenbrock distribute them to their customer base.
“People contact us outside of school through all sorts of different ways, like Twitter, text and talking. We then collect the money from them the next time we see them and once the shirts come in we deliver them at school,” Karrenbrock said.
Under the protection of the Parody: Fair Use law, Hall and Karrenbrock can not be sued. They also plan on hiring a lawyer to get a copyright on their brand.
“We are different from other companies because we combined two brands, Vineyard Vine and Southern Tide, but we are not affiliated with either one of them. Other companies like us are less creative,” Hall said.
Students interested in purchasing a short sleeve t-shirt should contact [email protected] or [email protected] sleeve. An new shipment is expected in October.