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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Junior Lauren Barron poses during a photo shoot for Amelia Madison boutique. The job was Barron’s first time modeling, something that had been a dream of hers since middle school. “I have always been in love with fashion and design,” Barron said. “I kind of wanted to get my feet wet in that area just so I can learn about being an entrepreneur in graphic design, and it will make me a little bit more knowledgeable before going to college.”

Junior Lauren Barron learns the ropes of entrepreneurship through an internship

Zoe DeYoung, Staff Writer April 7, 2020

A day for junior Lauren Barron is much like any other student athlete: go to school, then go to practice. What separates her from the rest is that when she is not throwing around a lacrosse ball or taking...

Handing a snow cone to a customer, employee and junior Audrey DeYoung fulfills her childhood dream of working at Tropical Sno Manchester, where she makes minimum wage. To reach a teenage demographic, DeYoung and her coworker created the Instagram account @trosnomanchester in hopes of having more teenagers drop by as customers. “What drew me to it was that it’s such a little shack and kind of a unique job to have,” DeYoung said. “Everyone I know goes there pretty often, so I knew I’d be able to see a lot of people from school. It annoys me when my friends are getting snow cones together, and I can’t be with them because I’m working.”

Working on their time off, a summer job profile

Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief August 23, 2019

Behind the scenes: Directing One Acts

Lily Briscoe, Staff Writer March 31, 2015
Seniors balance friendships with their desire to put on a solid final show.