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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Senior Noah Wright delivers a speech at the St. Louis Youth Climate Strike US in front of a crowd of 100. Wright was a lead organizer for the event after being inspired by what he learned in AP Environmental Science and Honors Environmental Sustainability. “For decades, our politicians have failed us by doing so little when we need so much. It is my hope they see crowds like this across the country and realize that the time for denial is over,” Wright said. “To our politicians we have one message: take action against climate change or we will vote you out.”

St. Louis youth gather downtown to demand action regarding climate change

Maria Newton and Sabrina Bohn March 15, 2019

The Youth Climate Strike US held a national walkout today, March 15, attended by students across the United States as part of a global movement; it is estimated that about one million students worldwide...

Senior Noah Wright makes a poster for the Youth Climate Strike on March 15. He has been an organizer for the walkout in St. Louis. "Climate change is a massive problem that must be addressed as soon as possible," Wright said. "I encourage all West students to get involved in their future and join us downtown."

Students organize a walkout combatting environmental apathy

Maria Newton, FEATURES EDITOR March 14, 2019

A nation-wide walkout is being organized by students all over the nation, including senior Noah Wright, to pressure lawmakers to take action regarding climate change. “It is a call to action for...

Writing down notes, alumna Shannon Anderson records information about mussels for her paid internship, which gives insight into the health of streams. Because Anderson is interested in many different aspects of biology, she is using this internship and the variety of classes at Emory to explore her options. “I started off not really knowing if I wanted to do more of a genetics and bio-engineering focus or if I wanted to stick to more of an ecology focus,” Anderson said. “The way that the curriculum works, you can choose classes that fit whatever you want to focus on studying, so I’m going to take classes in both of those.”

Alumna Shannon Anderson follows her passions in biology and social justice

Sabrina Bohn, Managing Editor-in-Chief August 15, 2018

Between planning walkouts, doing an ecology internship and studying abroad in Australia, 2016 alumna Shannon Anderson keeps herself busy while going into her third year at Emory University, studying biology...

Students stand along Clayton road as a part of the nationwide walkout on March 14. Teachers threatened students walking out of the school with detention, but 14 students went anyway instead of attending the protest in the gym. “It felt good, to stand out there in solidarity with other students across the nation,” junior Harper Stewart said. “We linked arms, and as cars passed by they honked at us and drivers encouraged us. It was an incredibly powerful experience.”

Leaving the building and looking ahead

Dani Fischer, MANAGING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF April 2, 2018

Over 200 students walked out of their classes and went to the gym to rally together with students across the nation on March 14. However, 14 students walked out the doors and to the front marquee despite...

Peaceful walkout allows students to embrace equality

Peaceful walkout allows students to embrace equality

Debra Klevens, Staff Writer December 5, 2014
Students walked out of classes at 10:45 a.m. in hopes of starting a conversation leading to social equality.